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Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter

Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter

The Walking Dead: Michonne

We sit down and review The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter. This is the second episode of Telltale’s take on one of The Walking Dead’s fan favorite characters. Here’s our review on how they did

The story of The Walking Dead: Michonne continues on and we have played the second episode of the game and story. All of which was designed by Telltale Games to better understand the titular character in the comics. She was in a rough place before and then came out on the other side. Now with the second episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne we get to see just how tough things became and what was the start of her journey back after All Out War. Here is our review of the second episode of the game.


Michonne and crew were placed in a sticky situation they never asked for and they all need to get out of it. Just as is always the case in The Walking Dead of course. She gets to face off with the big boss of the area and in doing so brings another small group of survivors into the mix. Now she must deal with not only her personal demons but also the demons out there that she helped stir up. Will she succeed or will we see more of her loved ones bite the dust?


In all honesty there is little I did not like about this episode. The same issue I had from before is the fact that if an outsider wanted to give the game a try there are still no points of reference for any of Michonne’s history and some of these things could have been easily explained. Like the fact that there is a scene where she has to use her old camouflage trick used to introduce her into the comics the game is based on. Even the other NPCs ask how she knew that would work and there isn’t even a small bit of story explaining that aspect and tactic.

Granted this is only an issue for those who have never read the comics or seen the TV show; which can be argued to be a small subsection of people. Then again you might be forgetting that The Walking Dead‘s first two seasons from Telltale Games only referenced the core characters of the show and comics in the first episode ever and it is easy to see a fan of those games wanting to play this one and not partaking in the rest of the lore. Just a better point of reference or acknowledgment of things most take as common knowledge would be nice.


Telltale nailed the character’s issues perfectly in this episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne. Even to the point where I had to go back and play through a second time to see all of the little hidden gems mixed in to show the cracks in Michonne’s psyche that are being explored. This is one of the best aspects of the comics and shows in terms of storytelling and it was struck perfectly here. It’s been a long while since I felt like even the story and dialog choices mixed in perfectly in their games and this one shines as one of the brightest examples ever.

Along with the story it looks like they were also able to make all of the action sequences in this episode exciting and add in the stress that the characters would most likely be going through. They are still nothing more than QTEs or minor stealth sections but they paired so well with the story events that they felt like much more. More so when, unlike other titles they have recently put out, one missed move or button press meant the end of the character’s life and having to replay the scene. The tension was real both in the game and in the real world.


Plain and simple The Walking Dead: Michonne has been a great experience so far and it blends into the franchise’s world perfectly so far. Of course if you have never experienced any other aspect of Michonne in the extended universe, the comics specifically, then you are most likely going to be lost a bit and not get why she is taking specific actions that are scripted in the story. I recommend reading up still before diving into The Walking Dead: Michonne at all but for those fans that know the ins and outs we are still going strong with the second episode and I look forward to its great conclusion.

I give The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter 18947 walkers on the walker scale.

The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter

The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter was developed by Telltale Games. The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter was published by Telltale Games for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on March 29th 2016. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

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