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Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve

Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve

The Walking Dead: Michonne

We sit down and review The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve. This is the final episode of Telltale’s take on one of The Walking Dead’s fan favorite characters. Here’s our review on how they did

Here we go as The Walking Dead: Michonne has come to an end and the story arc of one of the fan favorite characters has been fleshed out even more. Telltale Games set out to tell us a great story and fill in a rather sizable gap in the character’s story from the comic books. It was over a year gap for the comic book readers and much longer for all of those in The Walking Dead universe. Now we get to see just what happened and what brought her back as the story has come full circle. Here’s our review on just how it all played out and fit right in.


We last left the survivors all holed up and in a major pickle over some crazy misunderstandings and a few people who got turned around, mentally, in the new world. Things have boiled down to a prisoner transfer of sorts and now Michonne must deal with her own internal issues as well as try and keep her promises of protecting all of the weak people around her. Who will make it out besides the named and still living characters of the comic? That is a good question to ask as we all watch and see just how she survives against all odds yet again.


Up to now things have been very nitpicky for The Walking Dead: Michonne‘s episodes. Sadly in this episode I found an issue that does kind of affect the gameplay and progression. Up until now all of the controls and QTEs have been perfectly responsive and if I missed something it was on my skill and not the game. In this episode though there were many times that the inputs didn’t react or react fast enough to register and led me down different paths or to a Game Over screen. Was this episode rushed to meet the timeline set forth? That’s how it felt as until now things in that aspect have been up to snuff.


I loved all of The Walking Dead stories that Telltale have done so far but this one has to be the most amazing and fitting for the franchise to date. It was pretty much on par in the first two episodes of the mini-series but the conclusion here and the choices that needed to be made solidified it perfectly. I know the staff received notes on how to progress everything to fit into the comic universe but if I didn’t know better I’d say it was written by Kirkman and crew personally. Awards should be won here for the level of storytelling in a video game and that is not just the fan in me talking as everything was spectacular and I hope this carries right along into the next season of the core franchise.

Linking into the story here further would be all of the choices presented in this episode. As usually some alternative options were never brought up but the ones we did get were also so perfectly crafted that looking at most of the stats every gamer out there felt compelled to go the same path and have the same story. Two of the major choices felt so “right” to me and obviously others that the percentage of people going that way is well into the 90% range. To my knowledge I have never seen that many people siding on the same choice in any of their titles so they had to have done something right to have us want a specific outcome; right?

Lastly, even if they were a bit on the “clunky” side, The Walking Dead: Michonne‘s final episode mixed in plenty of action and diverse gameplay as it has since the first episode. There is a little bit of looking around, minor exploring, and basic dialog but that all quickly turns into an intense experience where you are not just pressing “X” to win. It’s not as combat heavy in controls as other titles Telltale has out there but it keeps the pacing from ever getting too dull or just waiting for the next big thing to hit. I am not sure that my words can even do the fun experienced justice when it comes to that.


If you are a huge Michonne fan or not, The Walking Dead: Michonne is completely worth your time and money. Even if you are not the biggest fan of the franchise the story that unfolds is intriguing and a great experience to be had. Short of you hating fun and thought-provoking experiences this is a mini-series that you should be playing from start to end. If you are a fan of The Walking Dead comics it should also be a no-brainer to give it a go as it fills in on more than just Michonne for the comic. It has some amazing insight and has been expertly presented to us all.

I give The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve 6 boats on the fishing boat scale.

The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve

The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve was developed by Telltale Games. The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve was published by Telltale Games for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC on April 26th 2016. A copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

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