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Review — White Night

Review — White Night

White Night

We Sit Down And Review White Night. Is it the next best thing in horror? Does it use the black and white aesthetic correctly? Here’s Our Video Review

The release of White Night has come and passed and it felt like OSome Studios’ title kind of flew under the radar for most. We were lucky enough to catch a glimpse and in turn a full look at the game on the PS4 so we could put it through its paces. The original concept and videos show painted White Night in a very specific picture to me but did it fully hold up to what I expected? Well that is what the following video review is for. That way you can gauge my feelings, love, and hate for White Night in short time so you can make the choice to pick it up or leave it where it lays.

While you can get a better idea from the below video review for White Night I do want to point out that this game isn’t for everyone right out of the gate. I completely applaud the concept and the aesthetic of White Night and believe OSome did a great job but there were a few design choices I think they should have lit up in flames. Maybe I just didn’t get what they were going for or White Night wasn’t the ideal game for me but I’m going to throw that out there. Pretty much if you are reading or watching this then your thoughts should be close to mine for White Night. That or they are so different that you are going to say stuff in the comments.

You can now be the judge and watch my video review for White Night. Enjoy and like I said; please leave constructive feedback down in the comments. Or tell me that I am full of shit for thinking what I do about White Night. None of that in-between bullshit though.

White Night — Review

I give White Night 11 matches on the match scale.

White Night — Launch Trailer

White Night was developed by OSome Studio and published by Activision for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. White Night was released on March 3rd, 2015. A PS4 copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.

White Night

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