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Rock Band 4 Gigs Will Play More Like Real Concerts

Rock Band 4 Gigs Will Play More Like Real Concerts

Rock Band 4

The new campaign mode for Rock Band 4 will have you playing Gigs that feel realistic and not one song wonders

So far we have heard a lot on how Rock Band 4 will be changing the hardware we will use to pretend to be rock stars with when it launches later this year. Not much has been given to us on how Harmonix is changing the gameplay or what they are planning on adding to the overall experience. This of course means here we go with our first little bit on how they are changing gameplay for Rock Band 4. This time in the way of what is called Gigs for the game.

What are Gigs you ask? From the sounds of it this is another version of Set Lists and Challenge for Rock Band 4. That is that it is a way that you can hop on stage in the game and play a set that has linked all of the songs together in a fashion that you would expect performers to use on a real stage. Not only that but there are set breaks during the Gig where the vocalist can actually “interact” with the crowd as happens in the real world why the band take a short break or gets set for the next part of the performance. Another way that Rock Band 4 is trying to help secure that authentic rock star vibe.

Also during these Gigs in Rock Band 4 players will either have a solid set list to go with or the game will allow them to vote on the next songs after the set break. These songs will be pulled from your current library and fit the genre of show you are currently performing in but it adds an interesting sort of meta-game to Rock Band 4. As was explained by Harmonix the band can choose to punish or challenge other members by choosing songs that a vocalist may not know the words to or something insane for an already tired bassist. All to mess with their score and have a bit of extra fun outside of the virtual world.

Rock Band 4 — Encore

Rock Band 4 — Encore

Lastly, it looks like there will also be Encores asked from the crowd based on how well you performed your Gig in Rock Band 4. Even here you will have the option to vote on what to do including walking off stage and not giving the crowd what they want. I am sure this will lead to a lower score overall or some other event taking place in Rock Band 4 as would if a real band did the same thing. As of right now I am pretty sure that this would only affect score but there is still more time to see what Harmonix can cook up for Rock Band 4.

To me it sounds like there are more Role Playing aspects being added into Rock Band 4 as we progress and this seems like another one. Including the interacting with the crowds during set breaks. I am curious if there are things you are supposed to say during these breaks defined on screen or if the player can truly say whatever they want and still land a “perfect” transition in Rock Band 4. I am sure this will be defined as we get closer to E3 if not during the show directly. I guess we’ll all have to wait and see.

So what do you think of the new Gigs mode for Rock Band 4? Is it a good deviation from set lists and challenges or should they have kept it the same. Are you like me and going to hold your reservations on all of this until you have Rock Band 4 in hand? Only time will tell…unless you want to tell the world down in the comments. None the less we will keep you updated as we can with all things Rock Band 4 right here.

Rock Band 4

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