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Rock Band 4 Is Bringing Some Updates & Possibly Releasing In October

Rock Band 4 Is Bringing Some Updates & Possibly Releasing In October

Rock Band 4

A recent interview with Eric Pope from Harmonix discusses the new engine and a possible release month for Rock Band 4

Earlier this month we had the solid confirmation that Rock Band 4 is on its way this year to the PS4 and Xbox One. There were a few other little things also confirmed at the time as well. According to a new interview in a UK games industry magazine (MCV) there have been even more details talked about as well as a possible release month of October of this year instead of “sometime this year.” Amazing news indeed and would make sense with the franchise’s past releases but now I am getting ahead of myself with the Rock Band 4 news.

All of this comes from the mouth of Eric Pope (Product Manager at Harmonix) with Mr. Pope stating that a whole new engine has been built for Rock Band 4. This will allow for 1080p resolutions and 60fps. You know, because we all need to be concerned with the little things like this when it comes to our rhythm games. Failing will never look more spectacular than with Rock Band 4 if I do say so myself here. All of you other rhythm games can suck a big stinky one. Now to blow raspberries…

“It’ll be 1080p and will run at 60fps,” Pope said. “I know there’s a vocal group of players that want to hear that. But what to me is more exciting is the online infrastructure of the consoles. It will open a lot [of] opportunities for us to support the game in more reactive, timely ways”.

So there you have it resolution and display snobs. Rock Band 4 will be on par with what the consoles can pump out right now. Not sure how we didn’t expect this to be the case before but now it is confirmed for you. I am more interested to hear about what other upgrades the new engine will bring to Rock Band 4 and the overall franchise. Hopefully more than just allowing for easier patching and DLC addition. Maybe some integration with the cameras of the systems so we can make out own crap music videos for the world to launch at? A director mode that lets a blend between gameplay and live play…? All kinds of fun and new ideas I hope. We’ll just have to wait for more for Rock Band 4 for now.

Oh, also, the October thing for Rock Band 4 has yet to be confirmed by Harmonix but it was heavily implied during one of the other interviews. Don’t take that as gospel just yet. Thought I’d throw that out there before people called afoul.

Rock Band 4 — Behind The Scenes With Harmonix

Are you one of those snobs that this makes huge news for? Would it matter if Rock Band 4 wasn’t output at these levels? Where did all that 4K outcry go for everything and why will Rock Band 4 not come in that form? Jot down your thoughts in that handy comment section below…FOR SCIENCE!

Rock Band 4

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