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Round Up The Gang As Red Dead Redemption 2 Launches Next Week

Round Up The Gang As Red Dead Redemption 2 Launches Next Week

Red Dead Redemption 2

A new, and most likely final, trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 is here to give us a bit more before Red Dead Redemption 2 finally launches

The days are ticking down as Red Dead Redemption 2 is under a week out now for us all on the PS4 and Xbox One. It is another exciting time as we have all been counting the days until this game launches and it looks like Rockstar Games took all the time and care to make it another huge title in the mix for us all. Even if it has a whole lot of other competition to work with, it definitely looks like many other titles are going to be set down for Red Dead Redemption 2 on October 26th. That is at least how I see it all playing out here soon. I could be wrong, but that is most likely not going to be the case.

All of this all leads to the new, and most likely final trailer, for Red Dead Redemption 2 as we have the launch trailer for the game. It is not much in the way of new information or gameplay, but it is something new to take in. Also with a little bit more of the story we will be going through in the game. That is unless there is something vastly different going to happen than what we have already seen thus far. It is a new Red Dead Redemption title so there should be a lot more than we have seen or it will be the most boring title to date. Like I said, highly doubtful but I think I would laugh if it were like that.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Launch Trailer

Red Dead Redemption 2, an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age, arrives for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26th.

Watch the new Launch Trailer above, and pre-order now to get the War Horse and Outlaw Survival Kit, or select the Special Edition or Ultimate Edition to receive additional bonuses and exclusive content. And tonight at midnight, pre-loading for digital pre-orders on the PlayStation Store will be unlocked. All digital pre-orders also receive bonus GTA$ for GTA Online.

How ready are you for Red Dead Redemption 2 to finally come out or were you hoping it to launch during a time when there were not so many options? What other titles will you be dropping now that this one is coming out or will you be trying to play many in tandem? How funny would it be if there were a very truncated story after all of the buildup thus far? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Red Dead Redemption 2, be sure to keep checking back in here. We will update you with anything else we happen upon.

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