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Rumor — Wolfenstein: The New Order May Be Getting A Sequel

Rumor — Wolfenstein: The New Order May Be Getting A Sequel

Wolfenstein: The New Order

One of the main voice actors for Wolfenstein: The New Order may have spilled the beans on if we are getting a sequel to Wolfenstein soon

If rumors are true it looks like we may be getting a sequel to the smash hit Wolfenstein: The New Order . I know we already had the nice little prequel The Old Blood but it looks like Machine Games might be getting their wish of a sequel and it is already in the works. How is this? Well one of the voice actors from Wolfenstein: The New Order let slip that she is already laying down lines from a script to a sequel we may be seeing in 2017.

All of this spawned from a small interview that Alicja Bachleda-Curus, she voiced Anya Oliwa in Wolfenstein: The New Order , when she was asked about her work on the game and she responded that “we’re working on a second one.” Seeing as Bethesda has most likely been the one to force the interview video off the Polish news outlet that conducted the interview I’d say point in the corner that Wolfenstein: The New Order is getting a sequel and they just have not made the announcement yet.

Here are the snippets from the original interview that has spawned this latest Wolfenstein: The New Order rumor so you can see what the hubbub is all about here. Here’s a link to the original interview in case TVN is able to get something back online that doesn’t out anything Machine Games may or may not be working on.

TVN: Apart from the movie, on set of which we are now, are there any professional challenges waiting ahead of you?

Alicja: Yes, I’m still working on a computer game; I already did the first part, now we’re working on the second one, and it will take roughly two years.

TVN: You’re obviously doing it in the US?

Alicja: Yes, we’re doing it in the US.

Do you think that this means we are getting a sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order? Do you want a sequel at that? Could she have been talking about any other video game franchise out there? Does it seem strange that the video is no longer available to view? Let us know and discuss below. We’ve reached out to Bethesda and Machine Games about a possible sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order and if we hear back we will update you with all of the news you can have for right now. Check back soon.

Wolfenstein: The New Order — Sequel

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