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Samurai Shodown Has A Date For When We Need To Embrace Death

Samurai Shodown Has A Date For When We Need To Embrace Death

Samurai Shodown

The official release date for Samurai Shodown is now set for the PS4 and Xbox One with a new trailer for Samurai Shodown showing off all of the gameplay features

The date is finally set for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Samurai Shodown and we can now look for the game on June 25th. We knew the game was coming in June of this year, and now we have a solid date and just after the next big gaming event so SNK can give one more good showing before. Just about what I figured, even though we have a new trailer for Samurai Shodown that shows off just what is going on in the game. That and some new features coming to the franchise that are interesting. Not to mention word on how you can score the Season Pass for the game for free. Yes, you read that correctly.

More or less, Samurai Shodown is following the same pattern we can remember from the 1993 version of the game with all the new flashy visuals. Even though, weirdly, this one is a prequel to the whole story and will take us down the paths of each of the fighters on their journey within. It will work somehow I am sure. If not, at least we will have the new Dojo Mode for the game to keep our attention in Samurai Shodown so we can fight against ourselves and others through AI learning. Yes, this is a mode that will watch how you play and create fighting styles for you to face off against in the game based on that. That and you can download other player’s styles and play them on your couch. It is a cool idea, but we will have to see how that pans out.

In terms of the Season Pass for Samurai Shodown, if you pre-order or purchase the game before June 30th you will be able to get it all for free. After that, there is no word on how much it will cost. There is also not much in the way of what it will house. Just know that it will be free to pick up for the first five days of launch, so if you are going to be getting Samurai Shodown keep that in mind. You will not want to miss out on that if you can help it.

Samurai Shodown — Return Of A Legend

With the release of Samurai Shodown fast approaching on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on June 25th, a new trailer, “Samurai Shodown 101”, has been released to give long-time fans and newcomers alike a better understanding of the newest title in this legendary fighting game series. Revealing all-new information about the upcoming title and showing off as-of-yet unrevealed concepts such as Dojo Mode, this is the entry to the new game you won’t want to miss.

SNK and Athlon Games are also proud to announce that players who pre-order or buy the game on PSN, Xbox Live, or any physical retailer will be able to download the Season Pass absolutely FREE through the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live up until June 30th. Regional restrictions may apply.

Officially a prequel to the original 1993 Samurai Shodown, the latest title’s Story Mode allows players to choose any character and experience their journey — from franchise favorites like Haohmaru and Charlotte to newcomers like Wu-Ruixiang and Darli Dagger. Several other modes will be present as well, including a Training Mode, Online Play, and the all-new Dojo Mode.

As fighters continue to play and level up their skills, the game is watching, learning, calculating, and mapping its user’s playstyle in the offline battle modes in order to create an online “ghost” that replicates that style in Dojo Mode. Players can take on their own AI-derived avatar for better insight into their own weaknesses, or download the ghost of a favorite player from the cloud for a fresh challenge. These intelligent AI ghosts promise to change the way fighting game aficionados train and compete forever.

There’s lots to learn and lots to practice, but fear not — those who Embrace Death may yet survive.

Are you ready for Samurai Shodown to launch so quickly or do you think they should have spent a little more time getting us ready? Do you think the Dojo Mode will be a great addition to it all or will it be a bit on the basic side as we have seen in other fighting games out there lately? What do you think will be in the Season Pass and how much will it cost if you miss out on picking it up at launch? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Samurai Shodown, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep you as up to date as possible.

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