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Samurai Shodown’s Next DLC Character Is Almost Here With Iroha

Samurai Shodown’s Next DLC Character Is Almost Here With Iroha

Samurai Shodown

The release date for Samurai Shodown’s next DLC character is set down with Iroha joining the Samurai Shodown roster this week

It looks like the roster is expanding this week for Samurai Shodown on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. Expanding by the next DLC character that SNK has put together to join in with Iroha making the jump in. All in a short amount of time from the original posting of this here. Yes, the next DLC character for Samurai Shodown is hitting those out there with the season pass on May 13th. You can do the math and see if you are going to be ready for the game to expand just a bit more. Even if it feels like a bit of a surprise here for us all.

For those not fully up on the history of Samurai Shodown, Iroha is yet another character from the franchise’s past with the original debut in the fourth numbered title. She uses two butterfly swords to dispatch her opponents with a level of swiftness that looks a lot like many others out there. Not that Iroha looks and feels like a skin for another character, just that much of Samurai Shodown looks and feels the same to me. Maybe this one will mix things up for all fans to further enjoy the game here. We do not have a lot of time to wait, so we will know soon.

Samurai Shodown — Iroha

Iroha patiently dotes on her young master. One day, sudden darkness falls over the land, and her master’s wellbeing drives Iroha to pick up her weapon, as nobody will get in between their love. Her beauty is beyond compare, and her fighting style is as graceful as a crane.

Did Iroha’s release announcement for Samurai Shodown sneak up on you here or were you suspecting it about now? Do you think she will play a bit different than many other characters or will it mostly be the same with a few minor changes? Who do you think will be the next DLC character we will be getting here? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. If there is more to share for Samurai Shodown, we will add it to the site for you. Be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and more.

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