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See How Injustice 2 Is Cooling Down Here With Sub Zero

See How Injustice 2 Is Cooling Down Here With Sub Zero

Injustice 2

Gameplay for Injustice 2’s Sub Zero has been revealed and now we can see what he will be bringing to Injustice 2 this week

New DLC for Injustice 2 drops this week as we get to add Sub Zero into the fighting mix of this DC hero and villain fighting game. Of course, this is not a huge surprise as NetherRealm Studios has already announced him and we all figured it was coming given Scorpion and the first Injustice title. That and we had a small tease for the character last week as we had our first look at him in Injustice 2, but now we have a whole lot of gameplay to look at and figure him out. All before July 11th when he comes to all of those season pass holders and the following week for those who just want to pick him up on his own. If that is your jam after all.

More or less Sub Zero looks to play out much as we would expect him to in Injustice 2. There are some differences given the different universe that he is in and the kind of game that we have here. No fatalities or brutalities of course, but it looks like there are a few changes and differences to his abilities. Like the fact that he can now summon more ice clones as needed, and seen in other titles of the MK universe. But the one that has a lot of people upset is that his Ice Ball attack no longer freezes in Injustice 2 unless you spend some of your meter to power it up. By itself it only does a small chunk of damage and nothing else. All to keep the balance of the core game and such.

You can see the full breakdown of Sub Zero in Injustice 2 just a bit lower down here. Also you can see some of the new gear that he will be able to use now that he is in a universe that does all of that. Not to mention that we also get to see the original Ermac costume on him through this new gear. Most likely we will also get to see some premier skins in the future where other ice-based heroes and villains can join in Injustice 2 without needing to piggy back off the ice gun of Captain Cold.

Injustice 2 — Sub Zero Gameplay

For the Lin Kuei! Sub-Zero Joins the fight in Injustice 2 this July 11th

Now that you’ve seen Sub Zero for Injustice 2, what do you think? DO you think that it will be more balanced now that he can’t freeze with a basic move or does it take away from the core character here? Do you think we will get to see other premier skins using him as a base or will we just have this one MK character and the rest of the DLC ones and that is it? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we learn more for Injustice 2 and all of its DLC, we will have more for you. Be sure to keep checking in here for all of that.

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