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See How Those Sweet Rides In Dying Light: The Following Handle

See How Those Sweet Rides In Dying Light: The Following Handle

Dying Light

During the PlayStation Experience Dying Light: The Following was shown off a bit more including the recently added dirt buggies to Dying Light and all of the other changes incoming

With the recent price increase for Dying Light: The Following I know some out there have been calling to see true reason behind this increase. Techland can give all the reasons on paper that they can but that will never sate the rabid Dying Light fan out there. They want to know that they are not just going to be padding the wallets of those over at Warner Bros. and also when Dying Light: The Following will be available. Now we have the answer to both of those and the latter is February 9th 2016 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide. Happy days!

As for the prior item there we will need to turn to the most recent footage for Dying Light: The Following that came to us out of the most recent PSX. It is here that we finally get to see how truly vast the world map is now as well as how those new feature and updates will keep us killing zombies for another year. Given the fact that the AI for both human and zombie NPCs has been greatly tweaked for our ultimate death in Dying Light: The Following I am sure we will all be glad to have access to the new weapons and rides in the game’s world.

When it comes to the new weapons for Dying Light: The Following you can expect to have some extra crazier items in but it looks like Techland also listened to the community and added in more firearms for us to use. So far we can add a SMG and a crossbow to the list of firearms but it sounds like there will be a lot more in the mix. Hopefully there will be more ammo in the world to go along with them or the running and gunning people want in Dying Light will only be there in a lower level than thought. I can also see all of the Daryl Dixon gameplay videos popping up now…

As for the dirt buggy, it looks like we will have another category to add in for level in Dying Light here with The Following. The driver level will need to be increased to add on extra little bits to the vehicle as you go around the game’s world and in the following video you can see how it can be a remote safe zone at times. It won’t be a complete safe zone, even while driving, but it will be something extra to add to the roster of Dying Light. As it can be fully customized with paint jobs and the like so I am guessing that it will be something that won’t be easily discarded around the world. Even if you run out of gas and/or it breaks down.

Dying Light: The Following — Gameplay

How are you feeling about Dying Light: The Following after seeing and reading all of this? Does it make sense now with the price increase that has gone into effect now? Has Techland listened to all of your hopes and dreams for Dying Light with this expansion? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. Once more information on Dying Light: The Following is released by Warner Bros. we will have it here for you so be sure to keep checking in and checking in often for any and all gaming news you could want.

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