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See How To Set Up Your Spice Trade In Dune: Spice Wars

See How To Set Up Your Spice Trade In Dune: Spice Wars

Dune: Spice Wars

The first gameplay for Dune: Spice Wars is here to take us all a bit deeper into the universe of Dune

We have been waiting patiently for some real gameplay for Dune: Spice Wars and now we have it. Not in the way of things spotted in more behind-the-scenes from Shiro Games, but in the way of a bit of a breakdown on what we should expect when the game hits the PC early in this year. Gameplay that highlights more of the RTS and strategy elements of the game and a little bit more of the parts of the Dune IP that will be used here. It is not a huge spoiler that it will all focus on specific locations and areas around Arrakis as we all harvest more of the spice out there. It is rather the focal point we always have and right there in the name of the game here. Now we get to see how we will be able to manage it all a bit more.

All in all, the gameplay looks a lot like many other RTS titles out there just with the Dune skins all over it. This is not a bad thing, but it does not feel like Funcom is going to have us clamoring for any truly new gameplay experience here. Thankfully, it does look like we will have to dive into the exciting world of trade agreements and diplomacy in the mix of it all here, so that should shake things up a bit. That and it does look like all of the other looming dangers of Dune will be out there to make sure we do not have an easy time as we order troops around and claim new lands to harvest the spice out there. I am curious to see how often the worms will come up at us though…

Dune: Spice Wars — First Gameplay

Dune: Spice Wars is the first game in two decades that brings players back to the inhospitable world of Arrakis. Here, players must lead one of the great factions to power by controlling the most valuable and strategically important resource in the universe: spice. And as we all know: if you control the spice, you control the universe.

A real-time strategy game for PC with 4X elements, from the developers of the critically acclaimed game Northgard. Set in Frank Herbert’s groundbreaking Dune universe, you must lead your faction and battle for control and dominance over the harsh desert planet of Arrakis.

Frank Herbert’s Dune

Experience the unique Dune universe – one of the most influential sci-fi settings ever created. Play as iconic characters, such as Duke Leto Atreides, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, and more, and guide your faction to victory. Watch for the constant threat of the massive sandworms, who dominate the dangerous landscape of Dune.

Forge your own path

Choose between subterfuge, political influence, economic supremacy, or open warfare to prevail and gain control over the most important planet in the universe! Use secretive agents to sabotage the plans of your opponents. Vote on political resolutions in the Landsraad to further your strategy.

4X in real-time

Explore Dune with ornithopters to discover resources, villages, and points of interest. Expand with your troops to take control of more and more regions. Exploit the resources through buildings and spice harvesters to dominate the economy. Exterminate your enemies with a strong military but beware as outright aggression can have high political repercussions.

Are you at all surprised by the gameplay we are getting for Dune: Spice Wars or did you think it was going to be drastically different? Do you think that the diplomacy sections will truly make it stand out or will it be a feature many ignore as much as they can? How will it further stand out from the other titles out there like it beyond having the IP behind it for now? Let us have all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. We will keep sharing all that we can for Dune: Spice Wars, so be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much more. I am sure you will enjoy all that you can for the game as it comes out.

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