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See Just How The Callisto Protocol Is Mastering Horror More

See Just How The Callisto Protocol Is Mastering Horror More

The Callisto Protocol

Have a little more for The Callisto Protocol as we see how horror aspects are going to kick things up for The Callisto Protocol

From everything we have seen before now for The Callisto Protocol, we can make the easy leap that this is going to scare the hells out of everyone when the game lands on December 2nd. For those that are still curious about if it is just a massive marketing thing to sell more games, you can sit back and see how Striking Distance Studios is going about creating the game a bit more. A bit more of the gameplay but also how the team is taking things that have been used in multiple other horror mediums and bringing them right into The Callisto Protocol to step things up. All so they can master some of the horrors out there on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC just in time for the holidays.

The first video we have here for The Callisto Protocol digs into how brutality in scenes can further unsettle and get those reactions that are supposed to be there. It is something that most humans will understand and have a gut-wrenching feeling toward. Even if it is only happening to the story surrogate and not you directly, you will most likely have that dread. All of this is nothing that has been shied away from in The Callisto Protocol with all of the levels of gore that we will endure and have to inflict on the creatures hunting us all down. Sure, there are going to be some that find a different reaction to all of it, but for most, it is going to add to that level of fear out there. Even while experiencing it all from the safety of your couch or chair. Just as is the case for many horror shows or films out there too.

The Callisto Protocol — Mastering Horror Docuseries: Brutality

Glen Schofield and the development team at Striking Distance Studios are joined by the cast of The Callisto Protocol and notable icons in horror entertainment as they go behind the scenes of the game and discuss their shared love of the horror genre.

Watch Episode 1 to learn more about brutality in horror media and how it’s crafted and used in The Callisto Protocol.

The next big showing for The Callisto Protocol when it comes to mastering the horror here, comes down to the aspects we have seen so many times over. Atmosphere and Tension. All the way back to the first true horror games, which is what helped drive them and put us further into the character’s setting. Thus, in turn, adding to the dread and fear out there. The Callisto Protocol has that nailed in the visuals and timing of the creature attacks that we have seen so far. Not to mention making them all look close enough to something that could happen to your average human to get our own minds working on it all. Add in the creep sounds, music, score, and feedback through the various controller schemes, and we are in for a terrifying ride. All of which you can get a better look at just a little lower down on the page here.

The Callisto Protocol — Mastering Horror Docuseries: Atmosphere & Tension

Glen Schofield and the development team at Striking Distance Studios are joined by the cast of The Callisto Protocol and notable icons in horror entertainment as they go behind the scenes of the game and discuss their shared love of the horror genre.

Join us for Episode 2 to learn how atmosphere and tension are used in horror entertainment and how the team at Striking Distance Studios is implementing them in The Callisto Protocol to heighten players’ sense of fear.

Stay tuned for Mastering Horror | The Callisto Protocol Docuseries: Episode 3 on November 10, 2022.

Mark your calendars for the culmination of the docuseries with the Mastering Horror Roundtable on November 17, 2022.

Are you going to be fully ready for what The Callisto Protocol is going to bring in the horror setting or are you expecting it to hit as others have had before now? Could all of this lead to a whole new way these games are made or is this all hype to get this one in more hands than expected? Is the fear of the unknown much stronger for you than just copious amounts of blood and gore out there? Sounds off in the comments and then discuss it all until the game launches out there. We will have much more for The Callisto Protocol here on the site, so please keep checking back in for all of that. As long as you are brave enough to do so…

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