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See All The Little Miracles That Concluded In No Man’s Sky’s Universe

See All The Little Miracles That Concluded In No Man’s Sky’s Universe

No Man's Sky

A new ‘dev diary’ of sorts has been released showing off how Hello Games made it to the stage that No Man’s Sky is currently at

If there was one title that I kept hearing about at E3 but knew very little about it was No Man’s Sky. I saw the trailer shown during the VGX show and then again during the Sony Press Conference but that was about the extent of my knowledge of the game. It started to seem that everyone and their Mother’s Sister’s Cousin’s former Roommate knew way more than I ever could about No Man’s Sky even with the little bit that we have all seen. It seemed like there was a bit that I had yet to know.

If you felt or are still feeling like that about No Man’s Sky still then fret not, below is a nice little video showcasing the trek that Hello Games had to go through to get No Man’s Sky to have the rave response that was shown when the logo just popped up at E3. Not only that but you can see how the game is procedurally generated leaving the open world almost out of the hands of the developers once it is brought live. I’m hoping that there is some kind of cloud server saving all the little areas people find so the more ambitious of us can try to see everything the universe has to offer.

If I had to guess, that very concept is what is being spoken about as there is supposedly content after we achieve the main goal of the “narrative” in No Man’s Sky. At least that is what I am thinking after the focus on “reaching the center of the galaxy” that kept being brought up near the end. I mean, why else would we be forced to make it to the center from our starting point and not try to branch off down different paths before, during, or after? It just logically makes sense to me but whatever.

Currently there is no release date or window for No Man’s Sky but as it has only really been in development (as stated in the video) for about five months, which is not all that shocking. I am sure that we will get more in the coming months, most likely Gamescom, but until then we have the heartwarming story that brought No Man’s Sky to where it currently is. Still not 100% sure if I am missing something that all of the other fans have seen or not.

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