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See More Hitman ‘Leaked’ Footage Before It Is Assassinated Offline

See More Hitman ‘Leaked’ Footage Before It Is Assassinated Offline


More ‘leaked’ footage for Hitman has made it online from the closed alpha test of the game and we can see more on how this Hitman may handle

With Hitman hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on December 8th you can bet your bottom dollar that Io Interactive is going “all in” on perfecting everything for the game. They have a lot to live up to as Hitman: Absolution was such an amazing and fun title after all. Sadly as their focus is hopefully all there it does leave a few things open for Square Enix to watch for Hitman and handle. In this case it is the closed alpha test for Hitman that is going on and also being passed around the internet like the bongs we employed as weapons during the last Hitman game. This means that we have “leaked” footage to spy upon here.

Oh there is nothing like “leaked” footage of an alpha that will most likely be nowhere near the final product. I jest of course and as I said we have some more for Hitman. Sadly though the only things we can truly glean from any of it is that we are getting the silent assassin style of gameplay again for Hitman as the video is only of someone losing their mind over some pretty poor graphics, as it is an alpha, and no clue what to do in this particular Hitman level. It’s almost laughable that I’d go as far as say that this is all fake footage if it wasn’t for the fact that Io Interactive confirmed the footage early this month to be real and this new footage for Hitman looks just about the same.

Here is the Hitman footage in question here for those who want to see what is going on. Remember this is supposedly from an alpha build of the game so the assets are not final which is about always the case for anything alpha. I do recommend watching it on mute as the player can get quite annoying as it sounds like his last Hitman experience had to be on the PS2 version of the franchise and can’t see these have to be some form of placeholders for now. Then again, if Square Enix is doing the job correctly then this video is most likely going to be down by the time you are reading this. Hopefully not but we’ll have to see.

Hitman — Closed Alpha Gameplay

So what are your thoughts on what you hopefully saw for Hitman here? Does it look like the gameplay is going back to what you loved about the franchise? On the converse, do you hope that Io Interactive punishes these ‘leakers’ of Hitman so they stop trying to be “first” to show something online? We really need an internet Agent 47 to take people like this out don’t we? I’m sure Square Enix would agree. None the less, let us know down in the comments and discuss. As we are most likely going to be getting more on Hitman here in short order, keep your browser locked in here as you won’t want to miss a thing.


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