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SERUM Is Letting Us All Experience The First Symptoms Of The Infection

SERUM Is Letting Us All Experience The First Symptoms Of The Infection


A playtest for SERUM has kicked off and you can join in to see just what is on the way with SERUM when it fully launches

It feels like SERUM kind of fell off the radar there for a while, but it looks like that was all for a good reason. A good reason outside of Game Island plugging away at the work for the game to get it to us as soon as possible. A good reason being that Toplitz Productions is giving us all a bit of a taste of what SERUM is going to bring to the world. All through the way of a playtest that is now available for those who want to give the game a go on the PC. All before it heads to its Early Access stage in a few weeks down the line. Not too shabby to help build up all of the hype and see how this other world is going to have us surviving one more time out there.

This new playtest for SERUM will only run for a few weeks, presumably until the Early Access is ready, so do not hesitate to join in if it is interesting to you. It does look like it is in a polished state but still has some things to work out, which makes sense given how it is being released. But, we will be able to have the opportunity to head into these wastelands and dive deeper into the game than any of the trailers have given us before now. That includes the following trailer we have for SERUM to let us see how we will hunt, craft, and survive this new infection that the game world is placing on us. Have a look and see what you can play as soon as you are able to download the game.

SERUM — Playtest Is Live

Game Island and Toplitz Productions are pleased to announce the public playtest for their exciting first-person survival adventure game SERUM is now live on Steam for PC.

The playtest will run for a week, giving brave survivors another unique opportunity to provide developer Game Island with valuable feedback on the game and a great opportunity for players to explore two of the game’s biomes in an updated version as it prepares for launch on Steam early access in a matter of weeks.

With a thrilling narrative that drives the player forward under the pressure of time, SERUM will put players to the ultimate test as they seek out ways of surviving a brutal world and uncovering a deadly conspiracy. The playtest will give gamers a chance to delve into the game’s mechanics and explore different abilities and strategies through crafting and serum brewing.

Are you going to jump into SERUM with the playtest or will you hold out for the full release? Is it odd to not have them just drop the Early Access stage of the game now or is this the new way games are going to be doled out by smaller teams? how much of the game do you think is final and will this alter much of the final product down the line? Take to the comments to let us all know and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. There will be more for SERUM, certainly, so please keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others we have still to come out there. It looks like this one could be a winner.

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