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Shadow Of The Colossus Shows Off A Bit More At TGS

Shadow Of The Colossus Shows Off A Bit More At TGS

A little more footage for Shadow Of The Colossus has been shown off at TGS and it shows just how Shadow Of The Colossus has been rebuilt

The roof shook when it was let loose that Shadow Of The Colossus was getting a remake for the PS4 during the E3 conference. Get ready to get those roofs shaking again as we have more to see for the game straight out of TGS. It looks like Bluepoint Games is in full swing to get this version of Shadow Of The Colossus out there as this one is all about how well the game looks even though we still have quite a bit of time before it launches. Sometime in 2018 still looks to be the projected date for the game, but that does not stop us from enjoying a little bit of it here right now.

While it may not be much for Shadow Of The Colossus it is another minute or so of gameplay footage to show just how much care is going into the game here to make sure it is the version we all wanted the first time around but had to deal with the hardware. That at least the takeaway until we have better hardware, but that is how it is. Nonetheless, this version of Shadow Of The Colossus is looking much better and looks like it may offer up a few things that we could not get before. Of course, all of our nostalgia-filled brains will be thinking that it still looked amazing back then, but that is just the gamer condition.

Have a look at the latest trailer for Shadow Of The Colossus straight out of TGS and then get ready to wait for whatever date it will be launching on in 2018. I am going to guess the later have of the year as there are other titles that seem like they will be launching in the earlier part and I am sure that they will not want to have to compete for attention.

Shadow Of The Colossus — TGS 2017 Trailer

Experience the wonder and magic of a fan favorite, rebuilt from the ground up for the PlayStation 4 system.

Coming 2018.

What are your thoughts on Shadow Of The Colossus as it looks at this point? Are you still super-hyped for the game to come or will it just be a prettier version of your youth than anything new? Do you think that Bluepoint Games will make any massive changes to make it all feel different with the same story, or will it be just a remake? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Shadow Of The Colossus as it is shown, stay right here. We will have it all up on the site for you to take in and hopefully enjoy.

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