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Share In More Of The Story For The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

Share In More Of The Story For The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

New video for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope shows us more of the story for Little Hope and how the Shared Story gameplay will flow

Get ready for a whole lot for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, as we have about twenty-five minutes of gameplay to look at for the game to hep highlight the Shared Story mode in the game. This would be a mode that Supermassive Games brought to us in the last installment for The Dark Pictures where you will be able to play the story with one other person online. Part of the story where you may or may not be next to the other character(s) your friend is controlling in Little Hope as well. All to build up more of the tension for the characters and player while maybe influencing the actions and feelings of the other. That is, you will have to deal with the choices of both players in the story instead of just one.

This is a mode that I have enjoyed in The Dark Pictures thus far and I am excited to see back in Little Hope. More so when you see how vastly different the scenes can be for the players here and how they may not only affect the story but other parts of the game. Things like scares and tension. It may not be easy to see here as the players are sitting next to each other in the session, but I can see and hear how the actions of one player can be picked up in the game of the others. Just imagine that things are nice and quiet on your end in Little Hoe only to get a loud crash when the player on the other fails or succeeds at a task. Interesting indeed and we may not need to rely only on those jump scares here.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope — Shared Story Mode Gameplay

Will your friends help you keep everyone alive, or hasten their demise?

Watch this exclusive gameplay of Little Hope’s Shared Story mode, or look away now to keep it a surprise until 30 October!

Are you just as excited for Little Hope as I am here or will you need more than just a horror story to sell it to you? Do you think some of these scenes will still play out if characters are not touching each other or will that always be a scripted event? Do you see how much more tension can be built here with players not in the same room or will that not be as big of a thing as I see? Let us have those answers and thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. When we have more to share for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much more as we get closer to October 30th when the game hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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