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Sifu Is Making Things A Little More Physical Out There

Sifu Is Making Things A Little More Physical Out There


The Vengeance Edition for Sifu is ready for those that chose to wait on the fun of Sifu

Those that were holding off to give Sifu a chance until things got truly physical, now is that time. The physical and Vengeance Edition of the game is out there now for the PS4 and PS5 gamers that want to give this Kung Fu story a go. The game has been well-received by many since Sloclap let it loose digitally, so now could be that time for those that do not want to miss out on how smoothly things could be flowing here. You also have less of a reason as this version of Sifu offers up all of the usual physical goodies that gaming collectors like to have. Like those soundtracks and art books that keep us living in the game world when not able to for some reason or another.

That is well and good for the PlayStation gamers that want this version of Sifu, but what about the PC gamers. Well, that is where things get a little less physical. You still have the option to pick this version up, but most of the extras will be handed out as digital codes and formats for you to enjoy. Not that this is a huge issue, but worth noting for those that were hoping to get all of the physical items for Sifu in this form. It looks like it will only be three lithographs that make it across all of the platforms in a physical form. At least now you can make the best choice for yourself and get into the game to crack some skulls.

Sifu — Vengeance Edition Launch Trailer

Sifu is the story of a young Kung Fu student on a path of revenge, hunting for the murderers of his family.

One against all, he has no allies, and countless enemies. He has to rely on his unique mastery of Kung Fu as well as a mysterious pendant to prevail and preserve his family’s legacy.

Featuring the gripping intensity of classic Kung Fu films with realistic and raw combat, Sifu tells the story of a young Kung Fu student who has spent their life training for a day of reckoning after the brutal murder of their entire family by a mysterious assassination squad.

Sifu’s unique gameplay sits at the crossroads of two established and popular genres, mashing the intensity and timeless thrill of beat em ups with the gripping design of 3D action games. Set against a detailed backdrop of a fictional Chinese city, you will uncover an ancient mystery via a series of difficult confrontations that will test your skills to their limit. To overcome the odds that are heavily stacked against you, you’ll need to rely on your mastery of Kung Fu, and on a magical pendant that will revive you after death. The cost of magic is dear, however, and you will age significantly every time you come back to life: time is the price you will pay for your revenge.

The game’s exquisitely hand-drawn art style pays tribute to Kung Fu film classics where themes of revenge and redemption are timeless tales, all perfectly blending with Sloclap’s martial arts gameplay expertise. Sifu offers a unique approach to martial arts, themes of vengeance, and redemption to create a distinct single-player Kung Fu experience, making this game a true initiatory journey.

The Vengeance Edition includes:

  • An exclusive SteelBook
  • Sifu’s standard edition for PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4
  • ‘The Art of Sifu’ art-book
  • The original game score (digital)
  • 3 lithographs

Were you holding off on Sifu until you could get the physical items or did you go all digital from the start? Will you be holding off on this until you can get all of the other free updates coming over the year or will that just be the icing on the cake? Do you think that the PC side of things is getting a little left out when it comes to all of this? Give us all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. More for Sifu should be on the way, and we will share it all here as we get it. Just be sure to keep a close eye on it all as we head off into the future.

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