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Silent Breath Asks Us All To Hold Our Breath To Survive The Nights

Silent Breath Asks Us All To Hold Our Breath To Survive The Nights

Silent Breath

Another horror experience, Silent Breath, offers up some gameplay to show why we need to have some Silent Breath in the mix of the game

The found footage genre of video games is getting larger with the showcasing of Silent Breath that we just had. This would be the title that is coming out of Exodiac Studios for the PC and leans into that style of gameplay along with another that seems to be all the rage as of late for the indie space, microphone detection. Yes, Silent Breath will be another title that will make sure we are playing as silently as the game’s characters should be and if we are not, then there will be some extra trouble in the world. Trouble that we get to see in the latest gameplay for the game that is also out there now that it has been developed out there.

Silent Breath runs the normal way with the first-person view of things as we head out into a mysterious forest to hunt down some missing people. Missing people who also happen to have their missing persons flier on them for some reason. Not the best of scenes to come across but that is not the worst of it either. While trying to find these posters in the randomized locations, we also have all manner of things hunting us in the night, and making noise will only get them to come closer and thus end our run of Silent Breath. Making noise is only the beginning of the end and not a death sentence as other titles have done to us in the past. Here is a deeper look at the gameplay we are going to get to enjoy when the game does hit the PC out there.

Silent Breath — Gameplay Reveal

Silent Breath is a horror experience powered by Unreal Engine 5. Featuring photorealistic graphics, fully dynamic scares, and microphone detection.

You find yourself in the middle of a mysterious forest. Your goal is to find people who have previously gotten lost in the forest. You must be Silent at night because the forest is listening to your voice through your microphone as you explore. It tries to make you Scream with various jumpscares. When you scream, you get one step closer to losing. You also have to constantly check your surroundings because real threats that are trying to hunt you down are on your tail. You lose when you scream or get caught by threats, and the game restarts, but this time the locations of the previously found lost people have also changed. You can’t even predict what fear the game will throw at you at any given time because the whole process is randomized.

Game Features:

  • Microphone Detection
  • Unpredictable Full Dynamic Jumpscares
  • Found-Footage – VHS Style Graphics
  • Different AIs Hunting You Down
  • Photorealistic Environment
  • Huge Forest with Different Locations in Every Direction
  • Replayability (Scares and missing person locations are dynamically randomized in every playthrough, making each playthrough a unique experience.)

Game Lore

After a night you can’t remember, you find yourself at a familiar-looking crime scene. You notice that a body has been found, with his own missing person’s poster attached to his chest.

This forest has a reputation for a reason. People have been coming here for years to experience different types of horror, but most of them have never returned. You think you can find more missing people after this one, but be careful. There are many threats in the forest that can kill you, including yourself.

Silent Breath — Night Gameplay

I do like the concept of what Silent Breath is going for, but it feels like it will be an uphill battle with player retention as others have gone with. I like that we are going to have a variety of areas we will need to explore and the randomization of it all will keep some coming back, but the microphone detection is the part that will be rough. I have seen how it can lead to a very easy experience or one of pure frustration for others. I do not want to see Silent Breath a be game that is played for an hour and then returned, but if that element of gameplay is not perfected, it could fall prey to that just as others have. Even if it is a cool concept to add in. Fingers will stay crossed for now.

How do you feel about Silent Breath and other titles that are using similar gameplay features? Will the microphone detection be a true factor for this one or will it be something to add to the tension of the other elements of it all? Will it truly be randomized in the bigger picture of it all or will there be a pattern of locations we will know to run to instead? Wander into the comment section below to let us all know what you are thinking about the game and its elements. If we learn more about Silent Breath, we will share it to the site so you can enjoy it all and see if the genre will truly ever take off.

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