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Slender: The Arrival Arriving Soon On Consoles

Slender: The Arrival Arriving Soon On Consoles

Slender: The Arrival

Slender: The Arrival is bringing its brand of horror to the PS3 and Xbox 360 before the end of September

It’s been almost a year since Slender: The Arrival released on Steam and well over a year for the release before that. To be honest I never was able to get caught up in the fun of Slenderman being that I am primarily a console player. Boo and hiss all you want but that won’t change things for me right now. What is changing though is that Slender: The Arrival is being brought over to the PS3 and Xbox 360 on September 23rd so now all of us gamers can experience what the phenomenon is all about. I’ll be honest…I’ve been curious.

That is right though. Slender: The Arrival, the first official title for the franchise created by Blue Isle Studios is being published for consoles by Midnight City. Not only that but Slender: The Arrival is also bringing along a few new levels that have yet to be experienced by anyone to date. These are all mixed into the console version of the game and available as FREE DLC for those who have already had the poo scared out of them on their Steam version of the game. Not too shabby for all.

Here, have a look at the console announcement for Slender: The Arrival.

So Slender: The Arrival looks like it will be right in line with my personal tastes for video games. Even back when it was just a little website blurb I though the Slenderman franchise would have been I just never had the chance to give it a real shot myself. It looks like I will have yet another title to throw into the mix here this September as long as I can pull myself away from all of the other titles out there as well. Who am I kidding? That shouldn’t be that tough of a task.

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