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So New Kinds Of Hunter Are Emerging For Evolve

So New Kinds Of Hunter Are Emerging For Evolve


Four new hunters for Evolve have been announced and will be coming along side the fourth monster at the end of the month

I had a feeling that we were going to be getting more hunters for Evolve to match up the new monster that was coming. Now it looks like we have all of the details on those hunters as well as when we can see them all gracing our PS4, Xbox One, or PC in the way of more DLC. Just as Turtle Rock Studios isn’t going to make us wait, I won’t make you wait for the date either. We can see all of the new content landing for Evolve on March 31st. Just about two weeks out from now. Not too much time to get all of those other hunters fully leveled up and ready for the next backup crew to drop down onto shear to help bring down all of the horrors plaguing the world.

You can see more detailed breakdowns for each new hunter for Evolve just a bit lower or over on the Turtle Rock blog. I do have to say that these hunters feel like they are going to be even more overpowered than any before. The Assault has a way to throw a grenade and cover the monster in week spots. The Trapper has pretty much the monster’s smell ability at longer range and bypasses the monster’s armor. The Support has a weapon that can do the highest amount of damage in Evolve to date. Then you wrap that with the new Medic being able to leech the health and strength from the monster to help heal the team. Will all of these bad-asses in Evolve now, who is really afraid of the monster?

Have a look at your new Evolve hunters now.

Evolve — Torvald The Assault

Evolve — Torvald The Assault

Torvald (Assault)

“I have crossed the depths of space to find you, beast! I am your death!” — Torvald

Torvald has a Goliath-sized beef with Monsters. Survivor of a Monster attack, Torvald was nearly torn to pieces. Rebuilt into a half-human walking tank, Torvald is heading to Shear with a head full of revenge. Besides cybernetic implants, he’s sporting back-mounted Mortar Cannons. As deadly as those mortar rounds are at a distance, Torvald is straight-up vicious, up close. Toss a Shrapnel Grenade and he peppers a target with weak spots. That’s when you unload rounds from his Autofire Shotgun and rack up some serious bonus damage.

TRS Tip: Torvald’s Mortar is obviously great for splash damage at a distance, but you can also aim straight up for a close-range drop. Combine that with the Shrapnel Grenade to bring the Monster a world of pain.

Evolve — Crow The Trapper

Evolve — Crow The Trapper

Crow (Trapper)

“These things are tough….Wonder how they taste.” — Crow

Crow is a bit of a recluse. He actually retired to the unsettled parts of Shear to be left alone – until the Monsters came and screwed everything up. He understands the planet better than most, which makes him perfectly suited as a Trapper. Now, Crow and his trained pet Batray, Gobi, are going to get rid of the Monsters one dome at a time. On command, Gobi flies ahead to scout an area and lets Crow “see” nearby creatures. Gobi flies out a couple hundred meters at most in line-of-sight, eventually finding its way back to its master. Crow’s Stasis Gun has two firing modes: A rapid-fire mode briefly slows down the Monster, but a charged shot will drop a Monster to a crawl for a longer period of time. Then there is his Kinetic Long Rifle. The rapid-fire mode deals lots of damage-per-second, but charge the shot and he is able to punch straight through a Monster’s armor and damage its health. It’s sneaky and vicious. Just like Crow.

TRS Tip: Send Gobi out often. He should be looking for the Monster even when you’re in a dome to keep tabs on it. Also, try to stick with the charged shot with the Stasis Gun – it will slow the monster longer, as opposed to short-burst shots.

Evolve — Slim The Medic

Evolve — Slim The Medic

Slim (Medic)

“You got too much health, Goliath! Gimme some!” — Slim

A forgotten solider from a forgotten war, Slim is not human – not anymore. His DNA was genetically modified so much that this combat medic resembles some insectoid hybrid. All of Slim’s abilities not only mess with the Monster, he has some unique ways to keep his fellow Hunters in the fight. His primary weapon, the Leech Gun, saps strength from the Monster and that fuels how quickly his Healing Burst reloads. His Healing Burst also happens to have the largest radius compared to all the other Medics. Slim’s Healing drone buzzes around the battlefield, targeting teammates and helping them regenerate health over time. As soon as the Hunter getting healed is attacked, the drone returns to Slim. Of course, the Monster can’t hurt what it can’t find and Slim’s Spore Cloud Launcher masks the scent of the Hunters, giving you the perfect opportunity to get in close.

TRS Tip: Fire the Leech Gun often – even if you don’t think you’re hitting anything. The Leech gun is how Slim replenishes the Medic Heal Burst ability. The more shots you take at the wildlife (and the Monster), the faster it recharges!

Evolve — Sunny The Support

Evolve — Sunny The Support

Sunny (Support)

“Yay! We did it! Why didn’t anyone believe me? You guys are such downers.” — Sunny

Sunny goes a long ways back with Abe and Parnell before coming to Shear. (In fact, Sunny was one of the original four Hunters, back when Evolve was first created.) Now the ace pilot, engineer and eternal optimist is coming to help her old squadmates. As support, she’s protecting the team with Shield Drones that will cover nearby teammates and take the hits for the Hunters. In order to help them with a quick escape, Sunny’s Jetpack Booster lets teammates fly further, faster and not run out of juice while in range. All that said, Sunny is perfectly capable of dishing it out. Her Mininuke Grenade Launcher packs more punch in a single projectile than any other hand-wielded weapon in the game.

TRS Tip: Jetpack Boost teammates that are being attacked so they can dodge out of the way as much as possible. Also, if you’re hot on the trail of the Monster, Jetpack Boost your Trapper so that they can keep pace and drop a dome on it.

I am digging some of the looks and personalities that will be added to Evolve but like I said, they do sound a bit overpowered here. This could just be me reading more into the characters than there actually is though. The Wraith didn’t sound to overpowered or broken when Evolve first launched and it is one of the worst to go up against. Maybe this is Turtle Rock’s other answer to make people leave the lobby when they see these hunters coming. I’d hope that wouldn’t be the case and they would go for more balance but my experience with Evolve has proven otherwise. None the less I am glad to seeing the game evolve. Pun totally intended.

What do you think of the new hunters come for Evolve? Are you more excited for the Behemoth than any of the above characters? Are you even still playing Evolve? Let us know what you think down in the comments below.


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