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Some Gameplay Footage For Injustice 2 Mobile Has Surfaced

Some Gameplay Footage For Injustice 2 Mobile Has Surfaced

Injustice 2 Mobile

Some of the first footage for Injustice 2 Mobile has popped up online and we get to see the game in action as well as maybe new characters for Injustice 2 proper

It looks like we have even more Injustice 2 news here this week only this time it is for the mobile version of the game. Yes, there is another one coming and it should be a huge surprise as NetherRealm Studios announced it back at SDCC last year. What is surprising is that there is now some Injustice 2 Mobile footage out there in the wild and read for us to see. There is still no word on when it will be launching, but it is coming most likely before May 16th for your iOS and/or your Android devices. Just as to be expected so of course not major news there.

Also not too mind-blowing here is the fact that more or less it looks like Injustice 2 Mobile is going to play mostly like its predecessor and cousin of MKX Mobile. We will swipe and tap to attack, dodge, fire off special attacks, and swap characters in the fight. It is a working model so it makes sense not to alter much. It does look like we will be getting a “Gear System” of sorts here and a bit of a story just like Injustice 2 but in this footage it isn’t truly gone into how it works or plays out. Then again, video can paint a billion words so go ahead and have a look at the new footage and see for yourself.

Injustice 2 Mobile — First Footage

The more interesting part here is that if Injustice 2 Mobile follows suit like all of the other titles mentioned, we may have a look at a few new characters coming to the core game that have yet to be shown off. The characters have crossed over before for those who have skipped the mobile titles in the past. Here we get to see Cyborg, Green Lantern, and Scarecrow in the mix. All of them are either rumored or have only had a slight showing for Injustice 2 at this point so it seems like this may just be an early and lower-res look at what is in store for us. Specifically Scarecrow as this would be his first Injustice title.

Granted, none of that is confirmed for Injustice 2 at this point and not all of the mobile characters make it over as we have also seen in NetherRealm Studios‘ other titles that were mentioned. So don’t take that as a 100% confirmation just yet but given that the rumored list has been pretty spot on so far, it does seem more on the likely side. Just be sure to take a bit of salt with it all and just know that they will be in Injustice 2 Mobile at the very least. Whenever that may release out to the rest of the world to experience.

What are your thoughts on Injustice 2 Mobile as we see here for now? Do you think that it will bring all of the great upgrades that the console title is going to bring to the franchise or will it just be another way to earn a few costumes and gear bits along the way? Do you think that these will be the lower end versions of the console game fighters or are they only here for the mobile game for now? Let us know all of your thoughts on this and then discuss down in the comments. As we learn more for Injustice 2 and its mobile version, we will bring it to you. Be sure to stick around to be sure to keep up to date.

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