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Something Wicked Is Here For The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

Something Wicked Is Here For The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope launches this week and we have one final look at the sleepy town of Little Hope before launch

This is the week that we will all get to continue the anthology with The Dark Pictures: Little Hope as it launches on Friday. It seems like it was quite a bit of time since Supermassive Games offered up our first look at how the story would continue and now, we are days away. That means we have a new trailer to look at just before we dive into the deep side of Little Hope and have all of our friends join in the fun. Something that is highlighted here in this new video for those that may not be sold on how the multiplayer could play out here. Now we have a look at how at least one aspect of it all will flow here.

In this latest video for Little Hope, we get to see a few different aspects of the game’s world and then how the two-player aspect of it all works. This would be the mode that has two players going through the story and affecting each other’s game. Sometimes it can help each other out and other times it will make things a lot harder or even lead to a few deaths out there. It is one of the modes I will dabble in, but it really comes down to the Movie Night mode for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope where multiple players are in and each with a different character. We will see it all soon, though.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope — Launch Trailer

As skies turn gray and the season of fright approaches, now is the perfect time to prepare yourself for a terrifying journey to Little Hope. Turn down the lights, get your family or roommates to join you or play alone, if you dare…

Abandoned and all alone, four college students and their teacher become stranded in an isolated town miles from anywhere after their bus crashes in bad weather. Trapped by a mysterious fog in the town of Little Hope, they search desperately for a means of escape whilst visions from the past haunt them from the shadows. Will your decisions and quick actions be enough to save each character in the party?

Are you ready for Little Hope to get out there or did you want more time before diving into it all? Which mode do you think you will be going into here or will you stick to the single-player mode alone? Where do you think the overall story will go after this one and will we see many more titles mixed in along the lines? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all below. If we have more for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much more as we get further into the year.

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