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Soon, Everyone Will Understand What Is Up In The Surge 2

Soon, Everyone Will Understand What Is Up In The Surge 2

The Surge 2

New trailers for The Surge 2 are here to show off some of the story and then a lot of the limb slicing we will get in The Surge 2

We are so close to the release of The Surge 2 and we have so many more trailers for the game flowing out there for us now. It makes perfect sense given how quiet things were from the start of it all and now that Deck 13‘s title is about ready, here we go again. This time it is in the way of new story bits for The Surge 2 and yet another look at how the limbs will be sliced off in the game. Kind of the cornerstone of what this game is all about here. If you have played it on the PS4, Xbox One, and/or PC a while back.

The first trailer we have here is the story trailer for The Surge 2. Well, at least a little bit of said story as it is short and sweet with little to indicate what happened the first time around. That could be a good thing to make sure that all players are welcome into The Surge 2 and not required to have played the previous title at all. Not that it was not a good game, but it was a while back and a slog that getting through before September 24th may not be a reasonable goal to set. Then again, you can see what we have here and the various recaps all over the internet so…

The Surge 2 — Story Trailer

In The Surge 2 on September 24, life on earth as we know it is coming to an end. Deck 13’s latest hardcore action-RPG entry begins after the deFrag nanovirus strikes following the launch of a Utopia rocket. In Jericho City, one lone warrior — you — must fight through hell, high water, and amnesia to discover the truth about the virus, the city, and much more. Experience the start of this story in the new trailer, released today.

Here, we meet our hero, and many of the inhabitants of Jericho City. Nano-cultists run rampant through the streets, harvesting everything they can from the environment for their mysterious ends. The government forces of A.I.D attempt to maintain a stranglehold on the city with violent means. All the while, Athena, a girl with whom you have a special connection, leads you through the streets to a destination unknown.

This mystery accompanies gameplay that refines and enhances the Surge formula, bringing new weapons, new gadgets, enhanced ranged combat, additional implants, and much more. Dismemberment and limb-targeting still form the backbone of how you fight, loot, and choose your loadout, but with more options than ever before.

The next trailer, if you did not figure it out yet, is the one mentioned that shows off the limb-slicing gameplay we should be expecting in The Surge 2. It is the bigger selling point of it all and what the game is all about. That is, at least, for those looking to build a new rig and keep progressing in The Surge 2 to a point where that can slay everything. Although, this trailer does seem to focus more on the slicing of heads off instead of all of the various limbs out there. Have a look at the bloody violence and see just what you can do in the final game.

The Surge 2 — Symphony Of Violence

Prepare yourself to dismantle and take apart your foes on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC when The Surge 2 releases on September 24. Deck 13’s latest hardcore Action-RPG utilizes its signature limb-targeting system, allowing you to rip and tear equipment from your foes using brutal executions. Witness the weapons, enemies, and executions backed by Sharon Van Etten’s cover of ‘The End of the World’ in the Symphony of Violence Trailer, released today.

The Surge 2 brings back The Surge’s acclaimed combat system, allowing you to target and weaken enemy armor points so you can take the equipment for yourself, or aim for a weak spot and finish the fights quickly. Each fight becomes a desperate risk-versus-reward decision, and you must utilize all the tools in your arsenal to survive, including a customizable combat drone, game-changing implants, a new directional parrying system and many more…

Discover the mysteries of Jericho City and the sources of the nanomachine plague alongside Athena, a young girl linked to your past, and escape the gripping chaos of Jericho City.

Were you hoping for a bit more to the story for The Surge 2 or a recap of the previous title? Do you think that we will get a solid recap in the final build of the game or will we be required to turn to the internet for all of that if you have not played the previous title? Do you find it odd that this video focused more on the taking of heads instead of all limbs? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more for The Surge 2, it will be up on the site. Keep checking back in for all of that and much more.

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