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South Of Midnight Sings Us All The Blues In The Best Of Ways

South Of Midnight Sings Us All The Blues In The Best Of Ways

South Of Midnight

A new & mystical title, South Of Midnight, was revealed to us all with South Of Midnight taking us to a place we do not normally go

Talk about making a splash at the Xbox Showcase this year, as Compulsion Games dropped a solid reveal for a new title called South Of Midnight. A title that still has little known about it but is taking us deeper into a setting and theme that most of the gaming industry does not travel into. That being the American Deep South. Well, as least South Of Midnight is not aiming to go down there in the way that we normally get out there. This game will be looking more at the folklore and fantastical worlds built around all of that instead of the horrible side of the history out there. So, get your Xbox Series X|S or PC ready to download this one when it does finally launch out there.

As of right now, all we have for South Of Midnight is the nice little reveal trailer below. A trailer that shows our protagonist, Hazel, walking up on Shakin’ Bones. Bones is an Immortal Archon that you can see as a version of Charon and bluesman Robert Johnson. Hazel is on the hunt out there for other monstrous creatures and entities as she explores the mythos that is looking to get more of the limelight out there. We do not get to see many of these creatures in the trailer for South Of Midnight, but the Altamaha-ha does look like it will be making a showing in the game. Most likely other of these Archons too, but we are still in the early announcement phase of things, so not much more is known.

While none of the following is gameplay for South Of Midnight, it has been stated that the game will be a third-person action game with Hazel wielding some interesting magic in the mix. Magic that feels like Hazel is pulling on the threads of reality to re-weave it as needed. A concept used many times in the magic of other games out there, but not completely sure how it is going to work in this game. Outside of being the reason we are able to have some of the gameplay effects happen in South Of Midnight with little other explanation. This is a story game, after all. So, there is that to take into consideration.

South Of Midnight — Reveal

From the creators of Contrast and We Happy Few, South Of Midnight is a spellbinding third-person action-adventure game set in the American Deep South. As Hazel, you will explore the mythos and encounter creatures of Southern folklore in a macabre and fantastical world. When disaster strikes her hometown, Hazel is called to become a Weaver: a magical mender of broken bonds and spirits. Imbued with these new abilities, Hazel will confront and subdue dangerous creatures, untangle the webs of her own family’s shared past, and – if she’s lucky – find her way to a place that feels like home.

Now for the other elephant in the room as it comes to South Of Midnight. The representation and setting of things. For those with eyes, you have been able to see that this is all based around mythology and characters that are not the most represented or well-represented in the community. Compulsion assures us all that they are working on getting parts of the cultural communities on staff to help write the story and dialog for South Of Midnight. And while they are going to hint at the racism and horrible history in the game, they are going to focus more on the story to allow for something that has not been told before to shine. Not ignoring or erasing it, but not going to focus on it. This still means someone out there is going to still be a douchebag and make terrible comments, but that is the world we live in, I guess.

Did you have your mind blown a bit by the announcement of South Of Midnight or do you still need gameplay to sell you on the concept? How deep into the lore do you think the game will go and will many out there have to look up the various beings and creatures since it is such an underrepresented part of human culture? We the team pull things off by getting the correct writing staff in place or will they only have consultants added in to make sure it is as authentic as they are allowed to be? Head into the comments and talk about all of this and more. Our eyes are opened up for South Of Midnight, so know we will have as much content for it on the site as we are able to get. Please keep checking in to see all of that as it comes.

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