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Spider-Man Is Now Raiding His Way Into Marvel’s Avengers

Spider-Man Is Now Raiding His Way Into Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers

Take a deeper diving into the update about to drop for Marvel’s Avengers and see how it will expand all of the fun here for the Avengers

The day is finally here and we will see the famed Spider-Man swinging into Marvel’s Avengers to help bring down some more of the baddies out there. Not in a full story addition to the game, as Crystal Dynamics did not want to leave too many out in the lurch, but with a smaller story bit to help explain how the character will work in the game here. Something that looks like it will have PS4 and PS5 gamers feeling like they know how Spider-Man will work already. Many of the moves, combinations, and traversal motions do feel like it fits into the core game we all loved before. All of it just now fits into the Avengers title here. Even if some of the web gage and intrinsic ability meters fill a bit differently than we have experienced in the other titles out there. This is a fully different title, but the familiarity is out there.

In addition to the Wall-Crawler out there joining the Avengers, there are a load of other updates along with the character. All gamers of the game will see the level caps bumped up to 150 and the gear will be able to expand to all of that level too. We will see a new way to earn some gear that will have you grinding more or spending the real-world funds if you so choose. The bigger update here for Marvel’s Avengers has to be the first Raid that will take us back in and after Klaw in the world. It does look like there is a whole lot more going on than we have experienced before in the game, so maybe this will breathe more life into the game to bring players back. It does seem to work for the MMOs out there that use the exact same model of gameplay that no one seems to complain about as much as we have had since this title’s launch.

Marvel’s Avengers — War Table Holiday Content Deep Dive

Our first Raid, Spider-Man for PS4/PS5, a slew of gear and earned cosmetics rework, Power Level increase, and more arrive on November 30!

Watch the War Table Deep Dive for details on all the Holiday content coming tomorrow. A new day for Marvel’s Avengers begins!

Is this the massive update you have been waiting for to come to the Avengers or would you want a massive expansion and story mode to play again? Do you like that you can unlock more of the content just by playing the game or will you be complaining that you cannot wait long enough to do so? Could we see Spider-Man make his way out to the other platforms as we have seen with other exclusive characters and titles out there? Tell us all of your thoughts on this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Marvel’s Avengers, know that we will share it all here. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more as we head toward the future.

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