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Spies Are Taking Over Your PS4 With Invisible, Inc.

Spies Are Taking Over Your PS4 With Invisible, Inc.

Invisible, Inc.

Today Klei Entertainment has announced Invisible, Inc. is coming to the PS4 and will let you control a groups of elite spies; for fun and profit

Not only is it a clever name for the upcoming spy game but Invisible, Inc. looks like it is going to keep the steam roller going for Klei Entertainment with another hit. At least that is how I am seeing this new announcement as I loved Don’t Starve and have been looking forward to what the developer may come up with next. I fully recommend you playing that game to get ready for Invisible, Inc. as it is hopefully launching sometime in the future. The trailer below kind of hits at many different release dates so it is hard to try and pin it down as of yet. But Invisible, Inc. is coming.

The announcement of Invisible, Inc. was something that took place over on the PS Blogs as the game will be a PS4 exclusive. The developer also states that all of your choices, as in their prior game, will matter as you lead your team of elite spies to infiltrate enemy bases and targets. We’ll be the Operator in the game so we’ll be tasked with selecting said targets and all that jazz in a world that is supposedly different every time. So quite a bit like Don’t Starve only with the new flare and world just for Invisible, Inc. I think I am sold and it was just only announced.

Sadly this is all we know about Invisible, Inc. as of yet. There is a very short trailer and list of features that the developer is aiming for in the game but as of now what you see is what you get. Which, again, is kind of funny given the clever name for Invisible, Inc. You know, because you shouldn’t see anything…

Invisible, Inc. — Announce Trailer

Key Features

  • Character selection: Start with any of the 10 unlockable agents in the game, plus 6 agent variants, and 6 starting programs to crack corporate security.
  • Deep customization of builds: Each playthrough is different as you create your own strategy using agents, items, augments, and programs, and adapt to your surroundings.
  • Randomly generated world: Locations, threats, and loot are randomly generated so each playthrough is vastly different and you’ll never get complacent.
  • Choose your own game mode: With 5 different game modes and extensive custom generation options, each player can play the way they prefer.
  • Fully animated cutscenes and voice over: With hundreds of lines of voice over, great animation, and fully animated cutscenes, we didn’t spare any expense to make an immersive experience.

What do you think of Invisible, Inc. and its announcement here? Does this look like another game to sink some mindless time into between AAA releases or just another to hit the backlog and collect virtual dust? Let us know all of your thoughts with that Invisible, Inc., pun intended, down in the comments.

Invisible, Inc.

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