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SPINE Gives Us Some New & Cinematic Gameplay To Get Excited Over

SPINE Gives Us Some New & Cinematic Gameplay To Get Excited Over


The first gameplay for SPINE is finally here out of the PC Gaming Show to show off how cinematic SPINE is going to feel when playing

A new cyberpunk world is on the way to us and, now, we have a look at some of the first gameplay for the upcoming title SPINE. This is the upcoming gun-fu title that Nekki is working on still for the PC and console, but during the PC Gaming Show, we all had a chance to look at some of the first gameplay for the title. New gameplay that makes it look like we are getting just another sizzle reel for SPINE, but is actually gameplay nonetheless. All so we can see how seamlessly the game will be able to make this whole experience when it comes to the camerawork and choreography taking place in the game. All to give us a feeling of playing our own action movie in real-time instead of storyboarding and watching it all play out.

All of what was just stated there, does not feel like it is too far off when looking at what we have for SPINE currently here. Here we get to see our protagonist, Redline, head out into a single-player third-person game and bring all of the action and combat to life in some amazing ways. All while tapping into the combat implant, called a Spine, that will help augment all of these skills and abilities. Now we know better where the game’s title came from too. All of this also makes it so very hard to see what is considered gameplay and cutscene in the footage here. Not a massive issue at all, as long this is how it will all function when we get to experience it. Given the state of the industry, I will not be surprised if this is about how the final game plays and feels out there.

SPINE — Gameplay

Nekki released the first gameplay of its upcoming gun-fu action game SPINE. Revealed at the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted, the trailer showcases SPINE’s futuristic cyberpunk world, close-quarter gunfights, spectacular combat system, movie-like action experience, and vibrant graffiti aesthetic. SPINE will be published for PC and consoles.

SPINE is a single-player, story-rich action game where the player takes on the role of rebellious street artist Redline, accompanied by her sentient combat implant, Spine. Join them as they challenge the autocratic AI regime of Tensor Corporation while learning to trust each other. As players advance and improve their rapport with Spine, they will boost Redline’s reflexes and acquire stunning combos, with unique camerawork and combat choreography designed by action movie specialists, enabling them to embody the protagonist of their own action movie.

SPINE Features:

  • Close-Quarter Gun Combat: SPINE introduces a unique fusion of cinematic gunplay and close-combat beat ’em up, emphasized by elaborate camerawork and providing players with dynamic and immersive gun-fu gameplay.
  • Cinematic Action: Collaborating with action movie specialists and paying homage to iconic action movies, Nekki promises a truly cinematic adventure where every moment feels like a scene from an epic blockbuster.
  • Gripping Narrative: Explore an immersive cyberpunk world as Redline and Spine challenge Tensor’s autocratic regime. Discover a story of rebellion, trust, and survival, while exploring the risks and benefits of AI.
  • Cutting-Edge Tech And Graphics: Powered by Unreal Engine 5 and Nekki’s proprietary animation engine, Cascadeur, SPINE boasts fluid, lifelike combat animations within a detailed cyberpunk environment, pushing the boundaries of gaming graphics.

With all of that said, I will keep my skeptic hat on for SPINE at this point since some of the fluidity feels a little too good to be true out there. I am not saying it is impossible as we have seen a few other titles out there pull off some amazing feats like this, but usually those have some massive teams behind them. I know I am hoping that this is all true and for a smaller scale as SPINE would be a great showcase to others that we have hit a stage where even small teams can build their dreams and not need to listen to publishers or non-artists to build what they want to put out there in the world. Now we just have to wait a little longer until we get to see some truly live gameplay to take in and see if all the hype is real.

Are you as floored with SPINE as I have been or do you think it is a little soon to get overly excited about this? Do you think this is all edited more than a free flow out there or could this be the next step in the process? When do you think we will actually get to experience the game live and will it all be able to hold up? Head to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have to share with you out there. We will have all that we can for SPINE, so please keep on checking back in for all of that and everything else we can find to share with you.

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