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Star Wars Battlefront II Is Going To Have You Going It Solo

Star Wars Battlefront II Is Going To Have You Going It Solo

Star Wars Battlefront II

A new season event for Star Wars Battlefront II is coming soon and it will obviously link into the next Star Wars film in terms of Han Solo

We have had our fun with Ewoks in Star Wars Battlefront II and now it is time to move on to the next big thing in the franchise and that would be Han Solo. At least he is the next big thing that DICE and EA are going to focus on as the new film surrounding the character and all of his friends is just about to hit theaters. Due to that, on May 16th we are going to be getting a huge dose of all of those characters into Star Wars Battlefront II on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One. At least in terms of the older films as we will have to wait until June to see anything from the SOLO film here. At least we get to have some more DLC for the game and that is usually a win.

While we wait for the new film to have its fun and thus bring us all the film tie-ins for Star Wars Battlefront II, we will get to revisit Jabba’s Palace in the Blast, Hero Showdown, or Heroes vs. Villains modes as well as don some new duds for the occasion. There will also be a new Hero Showdown Mode that will allow us to team Han and Chewy up in a Two-On-Two Heroes Vs. Villains battle. Lastly, Star Wars Battlefront II is also getting a Starfighter Custom Arcade so we can hop into the Millennium Falcon and pull off all of those sweet maneuvers we have seen in the films. You know the ones I am talking about…

The Han Solo Season will feature the following:

  • Revisit Jabba’s Palace — What happens when you don’t pay a Hutt on time? You end up as an accent piece in his throne room… a lesson Han Solo learned the hard way. This month, fans of Star Wars Battlefront can revisit Jabba’s Palace in Star Wars Battlefront II as part of The Han Solo Season. Available in Blast, Hero Showdown, or Heroes vs. Villains, players will be able to iron out their differences in the twists and turns of Jabba’s abode.
  • Dress for the Job — We figure if we’re sending you all the way to Tatooine, you might as well be able to dress for the part. Don new Appearances (available for Credits or Crystals) inspired by the opening act of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, with Lando Calrissian looking scruffy in his Skiff Guard disguise and Leia Organa donning the bounty hunter Boushh’s gear and featuring brand-new voice-over.
  • New Hero Showdown Mode — Han Solo’s rarely seen without the mighty Chewbacca at his side, and in Hero Showdown — a new round-based elimination mode in The Han Solo Season — you’ll be able to take your favorite pairings into two-on-two Heroes vs. Villains battles. Han Solo and Chewbacca vs. Boba Fett and Bossk? Yoda and Rey vs. Vader and Captain Phasma? That’s up to you, but once a round is won, you must pick another duo for the next round. Bring out your wits and tactics for this one.
  • Refine Piloting Skills in Starfighter Custom Arcade — No need to fly casual; you’ve asked for it, and we’re excited to add Starfighter Custom Arcade to Star Wars Battlefront II. You’ll be able to hone your skills in the cockpit with Starfighters from all eras, whether you’re aiming to turn Rebellion X-wings into stardust with your TIE/LN or hop into the Millennium Falcon to fly circles around enemy starfighters.

Are you excited to see all of this get added into Star Wars Battlefront II or would you have rather had it all wait until after the next film launches? What aspects of the new film do you think we will get to see after this season of Han for the game or will it be more costumes and side characters added into the mix? Where do you think the future of the DLC will take us or will we just get more of the same until another huge film or show debuts? Let us have all of those juicy thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more Star Wars Battlefront II news and updates, be sure to keep checking back in here as we will keep them all coming at you as best we can.

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