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SteamWorld Headhunter Teases Us With A New Direction To Some Things

SteamWorld Headhunter Teases Us With A New Direction To Some Things

SteamWorld Headhunter

SteamWorld has some more charm on the way with a look at SteamWorld Headhunter that offers another co-op title for us

It looks like things are moving forward in the world of SteamWorld here with various new things announced here from Thunderful Games. There were quite a few interesting things that have been announced over the week from the developer here, but the biggest seems to be a new third-person co-op title. A title that is named SteamWorld Headhunter that will have us shooting the heads off our foes in the game and try not to have them claim our body afterward. All of which with the same look and style of the IP that has been enjoyed out there for so many fans out there.

That is about what we all know about SteamWorld Headhunter here along with the teaser trailer we had to make the announcement. It is assumed that it will be hitting the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S along with the core PC out there. That seems like it would be a safe bet given the want to make sure the SteamWorld IP is out there for as many as possible. It might even be possible to hit the Switch too, but when all we have is “consoles” it is hard to dictate who will all have the chance to experience it all. Have a look and just wait for the full showing of it all in the future for now.

SteamWorld Headhunter — Teaser

Taking the series in a fresh direction, SteamWorld Headhunter is a stylized and colorful, third-person co-op action adventure with a head-popping twist.

While maintaining the style and charm that’s helped make SteamWorld such a beloved franchise, this move into 3D represents a brand new approach to the series.

Thunderful is excited to share more about their vision for this internally developed title soon.

Have you been looking for a new thing to come to SteamWorld here? Do you think this will have something else going on in the co-op style of it all? Could we get a showing of this in the mix of a VR style of game too? Feel free to comment on all of this just a bit lower down. More for SteamWorld Headhunter has to be coming and we will share it all here for you. All you need to do is keep checking on the site and socials to stay as up to date as possible.

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