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Story Time: Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Mode

Story Time: Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Campaign Mode

Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

A new trailer for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been released showing a bit more gameplay and what the campaign mode’s story will be all about

If you were wondering what the story behind Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare was going to be then you have to wait no longer. If you are one of those lunks who thinks that Call Of Duty is only a multiplayer experience then you can skip all of these hard words to read and just watch the pretty pictures in the video below. Although I am sure that all of you in that category will be upset as this is all about the solo campaign and the overall story for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare. You know, the reason we are shooting at the “bad guys” in the game.

If you are still with me here then you can get excited to hear that Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare‘s story sounds to be something insanely exciting that we will get to play through. It looks like some terrorist, I’m guessing Atlas Corporation, attacked a whole bunch of nuclear reactors all at once and sent the whole world into chaos. Yes, that should read as a global terrorist attack that drove us all to the brink of war. Now that governments and military are all but gone in the world we, I assume the USA, have to turn to a PMC to try and reclaim our happy little existence.

This is of course just a bit of the story you can get from the below trailer for Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare though. If I gave it all away, why would you even take the time to watch it? Well outside of seeing how stunningly beautiful the visuals look in Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare why would you? I’ll let you to it for yourself now. The lunks should just now be wrapping up all of the grunts and approving noises so they can start their second watch of the trailer and the wait for the full Multiplayer reveal on 8/11/14.