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Story Time — Dying Light: The Following

Story Time — Dying Light: The Following

Dying Light: The Following

A new story trailer for Dying Light: The Following has been released to give us a feel for the tone that Dying Light: The Following will take us through in the new expansion

Looks like it is time to have a look at the story coming at us for Dying Light: The Following. At least to have a look at it in a different way as this is the second story-like trailer for this expansion that Techland has pumped out for Dying Light: The Following in my count. Only this time it looks like we are going to have to deal with more of a cult-ish style of mentality in the world of Dying Light over the survivalist mentality that plagued many of us more than the zombies. We’ll all know for sure on February 9th when Dying Light: The Following lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC though.

You can spy the latest story trailer for Dying Light: The Following just below with a bit more of the description we have for the story. Either way we are going to get a lot more brain crushing fun when Dying Light: The Following lands aren’t we? Let us all have a good watch now and take it all in.

Dying Light: The Following — Story Trailer

Do you believe in prophecies? Are some of us meant for great deeds? Even if you don’t want to believe, you might enjoy the new mystery vibe of Dying Light: The Following. Watch our story trailer and meet some of the new characters you will meet in this brand-new world. Who are they? What role does fate want them to play? The prophecy will be fulfilled on February 9th, 2016. Be ready.

So…it isn’t really humans that are immune to the zombie virus in Dying Light: The Following now? It looks a lot more like people hoping that our hero is the prophetic hero that is here to lead them out of Harran and into a new world. I get that humans want hope that much in the world of Dying Light but I though the great selling point for Dying Light: The Following from Techland was the fact that these were humans that were immune and we were there to see how that was so. Of course this could all be part of some subplot in Dying Light: The Following and not the overall thing. I just know I am a bit confused based on the original selling point and this.

How about you though? What are your thoughts on this latest trailer for Dying Light: The Following and where it looks like the story is heading? Do you think that this is some kind of subplot from Techland and creative editing is making it look a lot different than earlier thought? Let us know down in the comments and get ready for the release of Dying Light: The Following. If Warner Bros. releases any more for Dying Light: The Following we will have it here for you so be sure to keep checking back in for more as it comes.

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