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Street Fighter 6 Is Officially In The Works Now

Street Fighter 6 Is Officially In The Works Now

Street Fighter 6

The Street Fighter IP carries on as we have the official announcement that Street Fighter 6 is in development

Mark it down as not-too-surprising, as we have the official announcement that Street Fighter 6 is in development and poised to give us more fighting in the future. It would be weird if Capcom just abandoned this one out of nowhere so we should have figured it was coming. We just have a better idea of when and a little on how it will be building off the previous Street Fighter when it comes to the story and characters out there. That is, at least, if this teaser trailer is anything to go off for it all here. We do not even have listed platforms at this point so a lot of this is grasping at straws and what we have with this little tease. This Summer is when we should get the full rundown of things we all want.

As you will see in the following video for Street Fighter 6, it looks like the team is going to try to go for higher-end visuals for the game. These do not look like the high-end pre-rendered visuals but more of the in-game visuals we could see. I am looking at the toes and how non-life-like they are to make that assumption. The other assumption comes in that we get to see Ryu facing off with Luke here. Luke was the last DLC character to hit Street Fighter 5, so that is where it feels like they will be using that as a true jumping-off point for it all. Not that we have a real story to go on here in this IP. Mine is still all based around the film that was…a thing…

Street Fighter 6 — Teaser Trailer

Here Comes A New Street Fighter. It’s official: Street Fighter 6 is in development! Stay tuned for more news coming Summer 2022.

Did you ever think that we would not be getting another Street Fighter title or did this blow your mind? Do you think that we are seeing in-game visuals here or is it all a different style of pre-rendering that we have in this teaser? How do you think it is going to build off the previous title beyond just being another one out there? Give us all of that feedback and more down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. We will keep sharing what we can for Street Fighter 6 as we get it, so please keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more.

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