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Street Fighter V Accidentally Got Announced In Advance

Street Fighter V Accidentally Got Announced In Advance

Street Fighter V

A teaser trailer that popped up online accidentally announced Street Fighter V before the official announcement could be made

Nothing seems to be able to kept a secret anymore as Street Fighter V joins the likes of other titles that have been “leaked” out due to the internet. Yes, it looks like we are getting Street Fighter V and it is also stated to be an exclusive for the PS4 and PC. That is all that is know so far for the game as it is most likely going to be getting the full and real announcement at The Game Awards tonight or sometime during the PlayStation Experience over the weekend. Hopefully it will be more than the following “leaked” video just below.

It’s hard to say where we will see the announcement as there are so many things being announced at both events. Although I do know that Capcom is running a Street Fighter IV tournament during the PlayStation Experience so it would make a bit of sense to give the true fans there the full Street Fighter V announcement there. Then again The Game Awards would get the word out faster to a much broader audience than just those in Vegas who are also more PlayStation fans than anything else. Not like that wouldn’t get dropped online in seconds anyways.

Street Fighter V — Announcement Trailer

There also begs the question of what Street Fighter V‘s exclusive really means. Like is it truly exclusive to these platforms or is it getting the Rise Of The Tomb Raider treatment? I’m going to place money on the later here as I don’t think that Capcom would alienate an entire market completely. I’ll say it now; I am sure that Street Fighter V will be coming to the Xbox at some point even if it is about a year later. You know, just like all those other “exclusive” third party titles that everyone swore would never jump ships. I’m looking at you Mass Effect.

Hopefully we will get more details over the next 72 hours and we will update all of you loyal reader(s) as we do. Who knows, Street Fighter V could be playable on the show floor at the PSX although I have yet to hear about that in any backdoor announcements to date…

Street Fighter V

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