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Street Fighter V Adds Another NEW Character To The Roster

Street Fighter V Adds Another NEW Character To The Roster

Street Fighter V

Direct from the Dubai Games Expo comes a new character for Street Fighter V and his name is Rashid and he looks like he is a master of wind in Street Fighter V

Add another character to the growing list of fighters in Street Fighter V. Not only another character but a whole new character to the franchise in the way of Rashid as he was debuted by Capcom during the most recent Games Expo in Dubai. Makes sense given the garb you see him sporting here in his reveal trailer as well as the theme he has in Street Fighter V. That seems a bit ‘racist’ when you say it but hey, I am not the one building this game for the PS4 and PC. I am also not saying that was the plan here for Street Fighter V but it is kind of worth noting before it is turned into a thing on the internet.

Moving on from all of that let’s see what Rashid brings to Street Fighter V besides the perceived diversity.

Just by watching him in action here in the following Street Fighter V reveal video it looks like he is bringing a lot of the same fighting styles we have seen in other characters out there only with a wind and air theme around it all. He has a “fireball” attack that looks like a mini-tornado. He looks to have a “zoning” attack that forces a character to deal with dual tornados so Rashid can get a back attack in will taking on the cast of Street Fighter V. If I didn’t know better it looks like Capcom is taking a cue from other fighting games with keeping moves just different theming. They know who they are…hopefully.

Don’t just take my word for it and have a look at Rashid in action for Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V — Rashid Reveal

What are your thoughts on Rashid here? Do you see him as a great addition to Street Fighter V or is it just a ploy to seem more diverse on Capcom‘s end? Do you see him becoming a fan favorite? Let us know and let the discussion fly down in the comments. Hopefully we will see more new characters here soon for Street Fighter V and as they do come out we will have all of that right here. Be sure to keep checking in for all of that.

Street Fighter V

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