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Street Fighter V Is Bringing Karin Kanzuki Back To The Fight

Street Fighter V Is Bringing Karin Kanzuki Back To The Fight

Street Fighter V

Another character is added to the Street Fighter V roster in the way of Karin Kanzuki so we can add another female fighter to Street Fighter V

Look out as we have yet another classic character coming to Street Fighter V in a fully remodeled way. This one being Karin who, until now, has only appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 3 but apparently became so popular among Japanese fans and American fans that Capcom has decided to bring her to the PS4 and PC via Street Fighter V. To go along with that we also have a new trailer for the female fighter to show off what she is bringing to Street Fighter V besides a weird fashion sense for someone who is about to get into a fight. I’d never wear a neckerchief when heading into a street brawl. That is just asking for trouble.

According to a popularity poll conducted by Capcom the reasons for including Karin instead of other fan favorite characters in Street Fighter V comes down to numbers. What they have reported is that in said poll she came in 7th worldwide and 1st when looking at only the Japanese results. Seems a bit odd given that she was only in one title and most of us non-mega-Street Fighter fans have never seen here before but we get to add her to Street Fighter V none the less. At least we can make sure that the roster isn’t going to be one huge sausage-fest as usually the case is with fighting games but Street Fighter V has already tried to go the diverse route before Karin’s announcement.

Here she is in full action for Street Fighter V. It even includes her physics breaking V-trigger move that all characters in Street Fighter V will be getting. That of course being the old news here.

Street Fighter V — Karin Kanzuki

Karin is the young heiress to the Kanzuki Zaibatsu, a global financial conglomerate that possesses vast wealth and resources. Her regal and pampered upbringing is what led to her high-maintenance attitude and razer-sharp wit. But behind her flowing golden locks lies a true martial artist obsessed with upholding her family motto, “In all things be victorious!” Karin is well versed in numerous martial arts, which she and her family combined to create a unique “Kanzuki style” of fighting.

Were you one of those fans that voted to get Karin into Street Fighter V? Were the reasons more than seeing another anime stereotype or is it because she is a great fighter and you want to leverage that in the latest addition to Capcom‘s franchise? Have you even heard of her before her announcement in Street Fighter V? These are burning questions we need answered and discussed. You can of course do that in the comments below. Also be sure to keep an eye on the site here as we will have more Street Fighter V news and updates as more characters are added to the roster. You won’t want to miss one and end up questioning who they are when Street Fighter V finally launches. Right?

Street Fighter V

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