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Streets Of Rage 4 Is Going Even More Retro With A Few New Character Announcements

Streets Of Rage 4 Is Going Even More Retro With A Few New Character Announcements

Streets Of Rage 4

Things are getting retro for Streets Of Rage 4 as a few throwbacks for the original few Streets Of Rage titles are getting mixed right into it all

It is a Thursday as I write this, which means it is time to throw things back to the past and Streets Of Rage 4 is doing just that with its latest announcement. That is, it looks like Dotemu and Lizardcube have announced that we are going to get a few retro styles mixed in for the characters as the playable roster now reaches 17 in there. With the latest character designs hailing from Streets Of Rage 1 and 2. More or less in look for those that want to have that classic feel to the fighting while still in the mix of it all on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. Time to go way back again.

Not only are we getting some of these old 16-bit looks for Streets Of Rage 4, but some of the classic music from those titles will be mixed into it all as well. Who does not miss all of those midi style sounds from back in the day when playing their modern title? I know that I do not miss them but it is going to be something for those hardcore Streets Of Rage fans that do not want to let go of their good old times from the long, long ago. Nostalgia at its finest, but there is not judgement for those that want to partake. It is just not something for me and I am fully aware of it. You can have a look just below to see if it is going to be your thing.

Streets Of Rage 4 — Retro Reveal

Publisher and co-developer Dotemu (publisher of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, developer of Windjammers 1 and 2) with co-developers Lizardcube (Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap) and Guard Crush Games (Streets of Fury) announced today that Streets of Rage 4 will be dishing out the knockouts with unlockable classic characters and music from Streets of Rage 1 & 2 for fully nostalgic brawls. Streets of Rage 4 will be released this spring for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One for $24.99, with the release date to be confirmed.

Dotemu released an action-packed gameplay trailer today which reveals some of Streets of Rage 4’s tributes to the original trilogy, including unlockable pixel art characters with movesets and abilities unique to their respective games; Streets of Rage’s fighters can call the cops for their special moves, while Streets of Rage 3’s characters can sprint and roll through environments.

These retro characters combine with Streets of Rage 4’s five hand-animated leading fighters to bring the total playable roster’s count to 17. For a full nostalgic trip, players can also switch to the series iconic original soundtrack, handing out beatdowns backed by tracks from Streets of Rage 1 and Streets of Rage 2. Taking down thugs with these timeless songs cranked up makes for an incredibly satisfying retro experience.

Streets Of Rage 4 is the first entry to the mainline series in more than 25 years. The revival merges classic Streets of Rage elements with fresh directions for more combat possibilities, strikingly fluid hand-drawn art, and an inventive, distinct soundtrack led by Olivier Derivière which incorporates worldwide talent, including significant contributions from series composers Yūzō Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima.

Is this a feature you wanted to see in Streets Of Rage 4 or is it something you felt like it should have been left in the past? Is this hitting all of the nostalgia checkboxes for you or is it just a bit much to get you to want to pull the trigger? Do you even care and just want to play the next title in the franchise here? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Streets Of Rage 4, we will update you on the site. Just be sure to keep checking in here for all of that and more.

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