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Styx: Shards Of Darkness Now Lets You Kill With A Buddy Now

Styx: Shards Of Darkness Now Lets You Kill With A Buddy Now

Styx: Shards Of Darkness

It looks like Styx will be getting another buddy in Styx: Shards Of Darkness and this time it is one of your real-world friends

The wait for Styx: Shards Of Darkness is finally over as the game finally comes to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on March 14th. That’s not exactly why we are here though as not only is Cyanide Studios and Focus Home Interactive bringing the game to us but they are also bringing in the ability to play the game with a friend. Not the friend that we’ve seen already for Styx in terms of his clone but we are getting Co-Op game play in Shards Of Darkness. As if setting up all of our kills solo wasn’t going to be fun enough but now we can do it with any of our friends who also enjoy slaying with this little goblin. There are a lot out there.

This is a first for the franchise and will allow us to send friend requests to others playing Styx: Shards Of Darkness to drop in and out as they or you please; all to make the killing a group affair. It may sound a little strange for this to be here, but in the following trailer it does look like it can open up a whole lot of new ways to slay and set up all of those guards just doing their jobs. Although it looks like the Cave Troll shows off more on how Styx and Friends can use this feature to the best advantage. It’s all just another way to play and it looks like it could be something great added into the mix here. As long as you get a decent friend to help out.

Styx: Shards Of Darkness — Co-Op Trailer

Styx: Shards Of Darkness, Cyanide Studios’ new Stealth game, arrives March 14th to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Today’s new trailer showcases how you and a friend can sneak your way through the game together, jumping, climbing, hiding, joking and killing together thanks to the game’s drop-in/drop-out coop mode.

At any time during your adventure, you are able to invite a friend to join your current session to sneak around with you for an alternative stealth experience. Two players opens up many more opportunities for clearing a level and reaching the objectives, but also doubles the risk of being spotted. Assassination partners must co-ordinate carefully in order to succeed!

Work together to create elaborate distractions, unleash dastardly synchronized assassinations, and run circles around larger enemies – every level and mission is playable in coop and will open a new array of gameplay possibilities.

It doesn’t look like this will go cross-platform at this time, very few titles do, but it will be a feature in all versions of Styx: Shards Of Darkness. We are also limited to only having one extra friend in the mix of it all but as you hopefully saw here, that really should be all you need. Unless you are horrible at stealth games like Styx here. Then that would be on you and not the game itself. We’ll all see though, as I said, in a few weeks as it lands on March 14th.

Do you think that having a Co-Op mode will help Styx: Shards Of Darkness or harm it? Do you think more plays will be playing to make it easier to find a friend or will this IP stay with a cult following? Do you think that we can bring back our friends when they die in our game or will it be automatic as the above trailer kind of alludes to? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If we get more on Styx: Shards Of Darkness we will have it here. Be sure to keep checking in for more on this game and all others like it.

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