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Succubus Takes A Nice Little Romp Through The Forest Of Flesh

Succubus Takes A Nice Little Romp Through The Forest Of Flesh


New gameplay for Succubus is here to take us through a nice little walk through one of the lands within the universe of Succubus

There have been a few teases already, but here we go with another nice big chunk of gameplay for Succubus to take in and enjoy. That is, at least, if you are into some over-the-top violence and okay with seeing blurred genitalia. You know, the usual things that we have seen out of Madmind Studio for a while now and not the biggest of shocks if you have been watching this game at all. Succubus is based on the adventures of one of the antagonists from their other game that took us to Hell, so it is all fitting. You should know what you are getting into at this point.

Anyway, here we go with some new gameplay that takes the titular Succubus through an area titled as the Forest of Flesh. It does not seem to be what one would have thought when you look at it, but it does show off a bit more on how Vydija can shift between the different fighting forms and demon powers in the mix. One of them being more of a homing missile fireball thing. All really cool and we have a few more of the fun finishing moves that can be pulled off in the combat. All of which makes me more excited for Succubus to finally hit the PC when it is ready. It cannot be that far off from now.

Succubus — Forest Of Flesh

The main character of the game is Vydija, a wild and lustful Succubus demon. The players were able to learn a part of her story in the original Agony and Agony Unrated, where she received her own single-player campaign.

With the disappearance of the legitimate rulers of Hell, the remaining demons recognized Nimrod as their ruler, because he was the only soul who could dominate the mind of the mighty Beast. By raising his new empire from the corpses of sinners, the new king, along with his new queen Vydija, managed to control the chaos left by the former rulers.

The new title didn’t fit the Succubus. The life of luxury and walking on rugs sewn from the skins of martyrs was not for her though, and so she has chosen a life in the wilderness of Hell.

During her travels, the new queen meets the powerful Baphomet who, together with his army, is going to get the soul of Nimrod. Captured, maimed and betrayed by her own species, Vydija is left with only one goal that matters – revenge!

What are you thinking about Succubus after taking in this new bit of gameplay here? Do you think that we will get more of the fun powers or will they be limited as the weapon wheel showed? DO you think the kill scenes are little too over-the-top or not enough for the content the game is holding? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on Succubus, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep all of the news and fun coming to you as best and fast as we can.

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