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Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Takes Us All A Little Live Before Launch

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Takes Us All A Little Live Before Launch

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

A live-action trailer for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is here to try to get us all further involved for this Suicide Squad

Ah, yes, there is nothing like a live-action trailer to try to build hype up for a game and Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is the next to try to lean in on the star power to boost sales. All while using some of the characters that have offered up their voices for other DC properties but only being used here by Rocksteady to help sell the game a bit more. All of which feels like it is on point for what is going on with the Suicide Squad so far. It is a bit of fun before the February 2nd launch date on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, so let us dive in and see if it can highlight anything else for the game before then.

As you will see here, we have Will Arnett and Ron Funches highlighted in the mix of this live version of the Suicide Squad. Will has voiced LEGO Batman and Ron one of the best voices for King Shark. Neither of them leaning into any of that and just having fun to show off the same grind we are going to have in the game by shooting the various purple creatures that Brainiac has placed out there. So, I guess it does lean into the gameplay we have had for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League so far. With the exception being that we get to see more boomerangs used in this than we have in the game too. Okay, so all of this is a bit weird to highlight in a live-action trailer as the early access to the game is about to kick off.

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League — Just Us

What’s the plan of attack? Kill the Justice League.

Team up with Will Arnett, Ron Funches, and Director Jodi Hill and take on the impossible.

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is available 02-02-2024 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

As I mentioned before, usually this kind of trailer is a ploy to use “celebrity” to boost sales. Given that there are currently reports, as of the original publishing, that the game has been reduced in price greatly in some countries before launch and that the Digital Deluxe early access has been delayed due to a game-ending bug, things do not seem to be going well already. They are going to need to get as many day-one buyers to make sure this title does not flop like the many other things that DC and Warner Bros. have rushed out there. I still want to have hopes that Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is going to be a great title, but the writing feels like it is showing up on the wall and many gamers might be left in the same place as we were after the Avengers title dropped.

Does seeing celebrities in trailers for your games work for you or was this just a burn of money for the Suicide Squad marketing team? Is it weird to see the live-action characters doing what we would expect to have in the game while the gameplay shows none of this to be the case? Will this be the first massive flop that the development team will have in a while or will the final game prove us all wrong? Head on to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else that we have to offer. Just as many other outlets, we are waiting to see if we will have a review key for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, and if we do, we will get our final thoughts to you as quick as we can. Just stay tuned here to see all of the updates as they come.

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