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Syndrome Will Be Launching To The Switch Very Soon

Syndrome Will Be Launching To The Switch Very Soon


The Switch launch for Syndrome is almost here with the release date given to us all for Syndrome

The games just keep rolling out there for the Switch, as we will now be seeing Syndrome land out there extremely soon. How soon? Well, Camel 101 and RedDeer Games will be ready to drop the game on the new platform on March 11th now. That is fairly soon for those keeping track now and those looking up anything for Syndrome after that date. All so more of us can see if we can trust the voices in the head of our protagonist who is trying to survive until help comes to save the day.

If you are curious about how you have heard of this before, Syndrome has been a game out there for a while now. It has also been on multiple other platforms to have others survive the horrors too. This is not a bad thing, but something worth noting if you are now questioning the voices in your own head too. To help a little more with that, we have a new trailer to herald in the launch of Syndrome on the Switch that will give you a little taste of what is to come and how some of the visuals feel a bit dated still. That feels like it is by design, but you can be the judge for now.

Syndrome — Switch Launch Trailer

Will you trust the voices in your head or are they against you? Where did the “thing” on the ship come from? Will you be able to survive? And remember, no one can hear you scream in space.

Face dangers and your own nightmares as you explore doomed starship in “Syndrome” — a sci-fi survival horror.

Syndrome will appear on the Nintendo Switch console on March 11th.

Will you be taking on Syndrome on the Switch or did you experience it already on the other platforms? Do you think the visuals and gameplay feels a bit dated or does it fit in with what style of game you generally enjoy out there? Could all of this be leading us to a new game in the line or will this all be a one-and-done style of game that we will have here soon? Tell us all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is anything more for Syndrome to share, we will certainly do that all here. Just keep checking back in for all of that and everything else we have to offer.

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