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Synth Riders Will Now Be Hitting Up The PSVR System Soon

Synth Riders Will Now Be Hitting Up The PSVR System Soon

Synth Riders

Synth Riders will be bringing its unique brand of rhythm elsewhere with the PSVR version of Synth Riders laid out there

One more rhythm game will be joining the rank of the PSVR with Synth Riders getting added in here soon. How soon? Well, it looks like Kluge Interactive is aiming to bring it to us all on July 27th here. Is that soon enough? It might be, since we have seen Synth Riders out in the wild for a bit now. It just was not out there for the PS4 and PS5 gamers that also happen to have the VR hardware to enjoy a game like this. A rhythm game that aims to focus more on the specific style of music that one could derive from the name of the game. That is not to say that there is not more to it all, but that is the basics before we dive into a little more on what to expect with this new release.

Given that Synth Riders has been out on the PC side of things for a bit now, one would think that there would be quite a bit of music to have added into all of this when it drops. You would be correct in that, as this version will be coming with the 55 licensed tracks for the game that are out there and the option to expand it a bit more with the DLC that has offered up 20 more tracks from all kinds of artists out there. Artists like Muse, The Offspring, and Parov Stelar to namedrop a few and get you excited to give Synth Riders a chance. It does switch up the VR rhythm gameplay a little bit to have us guide the tracks as we “get down” in the real world for everyone else to enjoy. You can get a slight taste of that just a bit lower with the new gameplay we have been given for it all.

Synth Riders — PSVR Release Date

Let the music move you in Synth Riders, a freestyle dancing rhythm hit coming to PlayStation VR on July 27, 2021! Set a reminder and win the Music Pack bundle!

Have you had a chance to experience Synth Riders before now or will this be the time you are able to join in on the mix here? Do you expect to see more songs hit the system after the launch or will this be where the final push goes for it all? Do you like the change to gliding on tracks over the smashing of icons for this style of rhythm game or will the classic version always be the winning option? Give us all of that feedback and ideas down in the comments and then discuss it all. More for Synth Riders will be out there, for sure, and we will add it all to the site once we are able to. Please stick around so you do not miss out on that or anything else that might be out there in the coming days, weeks, or months.

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