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Take A Stroll Around The Medical Level Of The System Shock Remake

Take A Stroll Around The Medical Level Of The System Shock Remake

System Shock

New footage for the remake of System Shock is here to show off the medical level and just what to expect from the System Shock title

What an interesting time we are living in where we get not only an update for System Shock’s Remake, but also an update for the third title in the series in just under twenty-four hours. I find it interesting and am certainly glad to see that Nightdive Studios is still working hard on this version of the game for us all. More so given the fact that many other remakes have been done so well to bring the original vision to life in the modern era than was possible when the original System Shock was released. That is, of course, ignoring all of the nostalgia that would go into something like this.

That all said, here we go at a nice, long look at the remake for System Shock we have coming and a look at a mostly full level from it. That is, many of the enemies, effects, weapons, and audio are nowhere near final or placed in here. We just get to see where the actual level has progressed to and just what we could expect once they move from the early stages into the more final ones. Even though it does feel like this System Shock title has been in that stage for some time now. Nonetheless, have a look at just how the game has evolved thus far and see if it is still in your excited category or if it will take much more to bring you to that spot.

System Shock — Medical Level Full Gameplay

This is not final! There are missing enemies, weapons, effects, and sounds.

How are you feeling about this new System Shock title based on what we have here? Is it to sparsely filled and missing too much to make a true judgment call on it or have you passed judgment already? Do you suspect this will rely more on the nostalgia factor to get players in or will it be just as other great remakes have gone and truly redefine it all? Let us all know down in the comments. We are watching for more on System Shock’s Remake and will have it all here for you. Just keep watching the site for all of those updates and tidbits in the future.

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