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Take A Trip Into The Cut In Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Take A Trip Into The Cut In Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Just before the launch of Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds we have some new gameplay to show off this new area for Horizon Zero Dawn

Just one more day from now and the next big expansion and DLC for Horizon Zero Dawn will be here and giving us all a whole lot more to play and experience in the game’s world. As if we did not already have enough to play and experience on the PS4, but Guerrilla Games has gone out of their way to give us a nice, large area to run around and flesh out more of the world. But if you cannot wait until November 7th to see some of that sweet action of Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds, then you can sit back and get ready to witness one of the missions for the expansion. At least if you are willing to spoil some of the experience here and get just a bit less for your buck when it all lands tomorrow.

Anyways, and not too surprising, Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds is not all too different than the gameplay we have loved and played so far for the game. We do get to see a bit of the new tribe coming to us here, but just like others we run into, they have their own ways and we have Aloy here to muck things up due to cultural differences. Not that this is a bad thing, but the core story of Horizon Zero Dawn has revolved around the breaking of traditions as she shows up with her own ways and thus tries to help enforce them out there. She would not make a great Starfleet officer. Thankfully, that is not the point of it all and we get to see more of the new machine mixed in here.

All jesting aside, here is the latest for Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds. As I have mentioned it does go into a bit of the new story for this tribe, so make sure you want to click play before you actually do. It is about ten minutes of the extra hours being added into Horizon Zero Dawn and if you truly want to keep all of the gameplay going as long as possible, this could ruin just a bit of it.

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds — PlayThrough: Survivor

Guerrilla Games Principal Quest Designer Tim Stobo and Quest Designer Blake Rebouche demonstrate one of the quests from the expansion called The Survivor. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds takes place in the Cut, an icy wasteland where clans of the Banuk tribe known as ‘Weraks’ seek to prove their worth against the elements and the machines. At the start of the quest, Aloy meets with the Chieftain of the White Teeth Werak, who informs her that two White Teeth hunters have gone missing. Aloy decides to investigate their fate – and in the process, crosses paths with a dangerous new machine…

Are you ready for this new expansion to finally drop for Horizon Zero Dawn or is there already too much going on right now that it may take a backseat? Do you agree that a lot of these missions and issues in the game are based on Aloy butting in or do these things truly need to be taken care of? How do you feel about the Scorcher being able to move anywhere on the map unlike many of the previous machines? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds or any new expansions that may come, be sure to keep checking in here. We will have it all for you.

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