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Take Command & Control Out There In Six Days In Fallujah

Take Command & Control Out There In Six Days In Fallujah

Six Days In Fallujah

The next big update for Six Days In Fallujah is out there now to offer up another few stories to take us deeper into Fallujah

Those still enjoying the Early Access for Six Days In Fallujah now have a little bit more to enjoy on the PC. The latest and largest update for the game is finally ready with Highwire Games and Victura dropping out there with another fun look at some of what it is bringing. More of the stories, horrors of war, and getting to lead more of your fireteams into the heart of Fallujah. All with the procedural generation of it all and showing off the tales of those real-world people who lived these events. All for those who have taken the chance with the game already and want to get it fully up to speed for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S when it is ready for those.

This new update for Six Days In Fallujah not only offers up new missions and a few new things for the visuals but also the first two of the documented stories to experience in the mix of things. Stories that first take you through the genesis of ISIS out there and then one that takes us through the second big battle that took place out there in Fallujah. All while acting as a bit of a tutorial of sorts to get us solo gamers ready to experience how to play the game in that mode. Have a gander at the new stuff and the darkness that we can experience in the mix. It certainly looks like it is going to be a fun ride for gamers but also give us a deeper feeling for what it is like in the mix of war. Something that, sadly, we are going to see more of in the future now…

Six Days In Fallujah — Command & Control Release

20 years ago today, thousands of Marines and Soldiers gathered outside Fallujah knowing 70% might be killed or wounded within the next six days.

Experience their stories in the Command and Control Update for Six Days In Fallujah, available today. Lead an AI fireteam or deploy in co-op online.

Are you ready to see how this battle in Fallujah panned out or will you still be going with the multiplayer side of the game out there? Does it feel like some of the visuals have been downgraded or is it just how the mix of things feels in this trailer? How long will we need to wait to get the next big story missions in the mix of things out there? Fight your way down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we have to come still. There is a lot more for Six Days In Fallujah to come, so please keep an eye on the site for all of those updates and then many others that are coming for every other video game out there. We will keep on doing our best to get it out there for you.

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