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Take Control Of The Night Again & Soon With The Until Dawn Remaster

Take Control Of The Night Again & Soon With The Until Dawn Remaster

Until Dawn

The release date for the Until Dawn remaster is now set and we have a look at some of the changes that are coming to Until Dawn

Just in time for the Halloween season, the Until Dawn remaster is on the way to the PS5 and PC. That is, Ballistic Moon has set down the release date for the game and we can now expect it to land on October 4th out there. A little bit ahead of the height of spooky season, but enough time for us to get all our friends together and play through the story all the different ways we can. That is part of the fun of Until Dawn. As long as we also remember that this version will be offering up a few other new things to experience that may or may not improve the game experience for us all. Now, we can have a little look at some of those new features and changes coming to the game that we might have wanted from before.

Obviously, the Until Dawn remaster will have all of the visual and audio upgrades we should expect for a game like this. Along with a few other takes of dialogue and a reworked prologue to the game. That will be an interesting take on the game to build up more of the terror for us from the start. Even if it feels like another update might remove some of that terror. That is the fact that this version of Until Dawn will allow for us to move the camera about and remove some of the unknown by looking around. I am not a fan of that part when it comes to the horror, but the explorer in me does like having the chance to look around a bit more. Have a look at these new updates coming with this version of the game just below. Then get ready to wait a few more months to have your movie night gameplay with a small crowd sitting on the couch.

Until Dawn — Remaster Comparison

Discover the enhancements in graphics, gameplay, story elements, and more in the rebuilt and enhanced Until Dawn – coming to PS5 and PC on October 4, 2024.

Are you glad to see all of these updates coming for the Until Dawn remaster or should they have just made the game work perfectly on the newer systems and that be it? Will the free camera remove some of the terror in the game or could it lead to more if the developers added in reasons to not look around? Will the new story structure be enough to shake things up so we are not just replaying the same thing once more? Head down to the comments to discuss all of this and everything else that comes to mind. We are going to have all that we can for the Until Dawn remaster, so be sure to keep on checking back for all of those updates and then many more still to come.

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