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Take In A Whole Lot Of New Gameplay Out There For Wild Hearts

Take In A Whole Lot Of New Gameplay Out There For Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts

New gameplay for Wild Hearts is here to give us a long taste of what Wild Hearts will hold for us next year

The hunting grounds are getting ready for us all a bit more in Wild Hearts as we head toward the February 17th release on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Not only with how the video game is going to play but also with a whole lot of gameplay we have to look at to see how Omega Force has been building up on it all. That and how Wild Hearts will be diving further into feudal Japan setting with our protagonist and optional co-op partner in the mix. That does sound like a whole lot going on, but then again, we have seven minutes of footage to look at and enjoy today here.

The opening to all of this seems to dive into the basic traversal and movement we will get to play around with in Wild Hearts. All before shifting over into a game that looks and feels a lot more like Monster Hunter than anything. That is mainly as we get to see our protagonist and our co-op friend out there searching for and then fighting monsters that are all based on the mythical beasts from the various lores out there. All while using some odd weapons that do not feel like weapons, but I am sure it will make more sense in Wild Hearts once it all launches. It might be easier to just kick back and have a look at what is on the way to us all here for the game with all of the new gameplay to see here.

Wild Hearts — 7 Minutes Of Gameplay

From scenic meadows to verdant bamboo forests, get a look at some of your hunting grounds in the beautiful but troubled land of Azuma. See how karakuri will aid in taking down the mighty beasts you’ll face in both single and multiplayer as well as the incredible weapons you’ll be able to wield.

Master ancient tech to hunt down giant beasts. Wild Hearts is a unique twist on the hunting genre where technology gives you a fighting chance against fearsome beasts infused with the ferocious power of nature itself. Take on these creatures alone or hunt with friends in seamless co-op.

Developed by Omega Force, the Japanese studio behind the Dynasty Warriors franchise and in partnership with EA Originals, Wild Hearts takes you on an epic adventure set in a fantasy world inspired by feudal Japan.

The hunt begins on 17th February 2023.

Does Wild Hearts look and feel about what you expected or is it something too different for you? Do you think all of this gear will work in the game setting or will there need to be some massive suspension of disbelief to have? Will you be looking to play the game solo or in the co-op mode that we will have in the mix? Tell us all of your thoughts on this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. More for Wild Hearts should be on the way to us all, and we will share it here if we can. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more.

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