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Take On A Horde & Many Different Camps With New Days Gone Gameplay

Take On A Horde & Many Different Camps With New Days Gone Gameplay

Days Gone

More gameplay for Days Gone is here and it gives us a nice look at some end game content for Days Gone as well as some outpost style play

We still may need to wait until 2019 to finally get Days Gone on the PS4, but that does not mean we do not have some new gameplay to look at and get excited over. Even if it is all alpha footage for the game, it gives us a nice look and feel for what Bend Studio is working toward and also some of the end game content, or close to the end of game content, we have to look forward too. Not only that, but we also have a nice long look at other kinds of missions and outpost we will have to tackle in Days Gone when all is said and done. Unless they start scrapping things out and just moving along without the parts we are about to check out. I am sure that will not be the case, but things can happen.

First up here we have a look at a horde of “freakers” in Days Gone that we will need to clear out. As it is described in the footage we have here, this is more of an end of game style of event in the game’s world as it will require some upgrades and other things unlocked to be able to accomplish. As it all sounds, it is as an area infested with hundreds of freakers and they need to be cleared out so we can fast travel and also make the world safe. That is how it is placed out there but it looks more like a survival mode gone awry in Days Gone as it ends up being more of a spray-and-pray kind of ordeal where explosives will be your friend. They will house some new upgrades for Deacon and his bike once they are all cleared out, of course, which seems odd to have for “end game” content to me.

Days Gone — Fight The Horde

In this exclusive video featuring new gameplay for Days Gone on the PlayStation 4, Ben Hanson, Jeff Cork, and Jeff Marchiafava pass the controller while visiting Bend Studio and try to defeat the 300-freaker horde in the upcoming game.

If that was not enough to get your heart pounding for Days Gone, we have more gameplay to look at that looks to take place not so near the end. Obviously, it is still alpha footage so things may change, but it shows off the different kinds of outposts and checkpoints we will have to secure in the game as well as other hazards we may come across in the game. I think my favorite here has to be when trying to gain access to the checkpoint, we need to be aware of what turning power on may do. In this instance, it looks like the loudspeakers will still broadcast and draw in more enemies. They can be disabled if you spot them before you do all of that which can lead to many varying styles of gameplay in Days Gone at the end of the day.

Days Gone — New Gameplay

In this exclusive video, Game Informer’s Jeff Cork, Leo Vader, Jeff Marchiafava, and Ben Hanson show off several missions taking place in Bend Studio‘s open world game for the PlayStation 4.

Are you pumped more for Days Gone now that you have seen all of this or do you still need more to sell you on it? Do you think that the horde fights will only be endgame content or will it be only suggested to be endgame for ease? What do you think about the need to be always aware of the surroundings and what could be triggered by your actions? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more Days Gone, keep coming back here as we will round it all up for you and bring it to you in one solid place.

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