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Take On A New Type Of Horror As You Will Die Here Tonight

Take On A New Type Of Horror As You Will Die Here Tonight

You Will Die Here Tonight

A new horror title, You Will Die Here Tonight, is announced and aims to give us all something new for the genre & promises You Will Die Here Tonight

Here we go with another horror video game that promises to change things up with You Will Die Here Tonight. Not just a catchy title but also the point of the game that Spiral Bound Interactive is working on for the PC. A new title that is looking to blend a lot of our 90s nostalgia from video games back into the mix while offering up a bit of a twist to the “roguelike” gameplay loop. With a title like You Will Die Here Tonight that all feels a little expected, but now we can see just what it will be as it blends some top-down and first-person elements into the mix of things here.

In You Will Die Here Tonight, we will be roaming through a few different environments with our team of six from the ARIES Division. We will only go with one character at a time to reveal the mystery involved and try to survive as long as possible. Once one of our team dies, though, the next will head in and try to clear the building while witnessing everything that was left behind and completed by the last member. Hence, You Will Die Here Tonight and then have others deal with your actions along the way. All while mimicking many environments from other titles that will not be named as of yet, but I am sure you will notice as soon as you dive into the following trailer for the game.

You Will Die Here Tonight — Announcement

In You Will Die Here Tonight, death is not only expected; it’s a large part of the gameplay and the story. You will inevitably succumb to the dangers within time and again, forcing you to continue on as one of the surviving members of ARIES, building upon your fallen comrade’s progress, and living with the consequences of their actions. Ammo is scarce, danger is everywhere, and nothing is what it seems. It’s a survival-horror game where survival is impossible.

Key Features:

  • Retro-Inspired – A unique blend of pre-rendered characters and environments alongside a mid-90s quality first-person 3D battle system offers a truly nostalgic experience while maintaining modern gameplay elements.
  • Evolving Mystery Narrative – Explore an abandoned mansion to uncover the sinister and brittle reality of an estate where nothing is what it seems and anything could take your life in a top-down perspective that seamlessly switches to pulse-pounding first-person arcade combat when running is no longer an option.
  • Six Playable Characters – Play as all six members of Aries Division, each with unique skills and motives that shape how they confront the horrors of their mission – and how far each of them will go for the greater good. Each of them is both a victim and a hero.
  • You Will Die – You can and will die, but with every death, your actions and decisions will carry forward to empower or endanger whoever remains.

Can you embrace the death of your team to uncover the truth, or will all of your sacrifices have been in vain?

Does You Will Die Here Tonight sound like it will be shaking up enough of the normal loops to stand out or will it be more of the nostalgia bait that we normally get? Did you see the other video games that we mentioned or did I already get hit with my love of those 0s titles? How do you think the shift from 2.5D to 3D will help the overall feel of the game or will it be too jarring for many out there? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will share whatever else we can for You Will Die Here Tonight before it launches, so be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more.

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